3 July 2024
Apostle John Eckhardt 2024 Prophetic Word - God's Promise for You This Year

2024 Prophetic Word – God’s Promise for You This Year

I have a word for you in this season that will really stretch and challenge you. God has given you a unique voice as well. There are things God has called you to speak and to release into the earth that will break things open in people’s lives that the enemy tried to say would be unbreakable. You have a sound that just like your favorite preacher, heaven responds to.

You may not consider yourself to be a preacher, and everyone does not need to be. You don’t need to have a microphone or stand in a pulpit. You don’t need to have a megaphone, but as you begin to see past your limitations and raise your voice, God would take your voice where he wants it to go, and it has the effect it was created to have. As a matter of fact, your voice can go places my voice or your favorite preacher’s voice won’t go, and you will preach in ways that only you can.

So I’m gonna elaborate on that more. If you’ve not ordered the book, order Activate Heaven. I’m gonna talk about the sound of thunder today. One of the most amazing sounds that shakes you is thunder. If you hear loud thunder, there is no sound like thunder. The sound of thunder is one of those sounds. It can represent judgment. It can represent breakthrough. It represents the voice of the Lord, and God answers with thunder.

I’m gonna pray that the thunder of God would come on your behalf, that God with thunder against the things that have come against you in 2023, and there’s a verse I’m gonna share. I haven’t, I’ve never taught on this verse. I’ve never decreed it, but I’m gonna start decreeing it and speaking it. I’m gonna share it with you in just a moment, and you can write these verses down. I’m gonna just give you some thunder verses in the Bible, and I’m gonna just do some from the Book of Psalms, okay?

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Psalms 18:13 – The Lord thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice, hailstones and coals of fire. So thunder represents the voice of God.

Psalms 29:3 – The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. The God of glory thunders. That’s the title of this message – The God of Glory Thunders. The Lord is upon many waters. So notice that thunder is connected to glory. So glory has a sound. It’s important if we’re gonna operate in the glory of God, then we have a sound. I minister in quite a number of churches, and there are certain sounds that release the glory, whether it’s the sound of our voices in prayer, the sound of praise, the sound of the minstrels when they play certain sounds. It really releases the glory of God. If we’re gonna walk in glory, maybe I’ll do a broadcast with Catherine Summers Kelly on glory and sound. I’m coming up with some new things to minister on – the importance of sound. If the sound is not right, the sounds, you can release the wrong sound and it doesn’t really release glory.

I love glory services. I love to be in the glory of God. There are times when the musicians hit a certain note, a sound, and it just releases glory. The God of glory, he thundereth. He releases a sound, and the times when we lift our voice in prayer and that sound, it causes the glory of God to be released, or when we begin to praise God, that sound, those sounds, those sounds begin to release God’s glory, miracles, healing, breakthroughs take place in the lives of people.

Psalm 77:18 – The voice of thy thunder was in heaven. The lightnings lightened the world. The earth trembled and shook. So notice their sounds that shake things, the sounds that cause… Thank you very much Mia, I believe it is for your gift on PayPal. Thank you.

Psalm 78:48 – He gave up their cattle also to the hail and their flocks to hot thunderbolts. And then we’re gonna, I’m gonna hold this one, Psalms 81:7, and come back to it because this is what I’m gonna… Well that’s the last one. I might as well move into it.

Here it is Psalms 81:7 – I love this verse. It is an amazing verse. It says “Thou called us in trouble.” That means when, when people got in trouble, the people of God got in trouble, they called them to God, and I delivered thee. I answered thee in the secret place of thunder. I proved thee at the waters of Meribah.

Notice that they called upon God. He delivered them and answered in the secret place of thunder. Now that caught my attention. God answered them in the secret place of thunder. What does that mean when God answers us in the secret place of thunder? Well let me read another translation for you. “When you were in trouble or distress, you called and I saved and rescued you. I answered you with thunder in the secret place of thunder. I tested you at the waters of Meribah.”

So there is a place called the secret place of thunder. One translation says the hidden place in the storm clouds. God answered them. Now I know in Psalm 18 that when David called upon the Lord in his distress, that the Lord answered with thunder and lightning, and rain, and thunder, and discomforted Saul and his armies. It seems to be in that when David was in trouble, being pursued by Saul, and was caught in a tight place, that God actually sent a thunderstorm that discomforted Saul and his armies and delivered David. I believe it was a literal thunderstorm when you read Psalm 18 and God answered him with thunder and hailstones and rain, and thunder, and delivered him again. The verse is Psalm 81, chapter 81 and verse 7.

When you were in trouble, distress, you called and I saved, rescued you. I answered you with thunder in the secret place of thunder. Can you imagine God answering with thunder? Can you imagine God getting so upset with the enemies that have come against you that he doesn’t just answer you, he answers you with thunder? He answers with his strong voice when thunder comes, it’s a picture of God answering in a way that is strong, that is very confusing to the enemy. So I pray in 2024, or even now, if any of you are in distress, in trouble and you call upon the Lord, the Lord will not only answer you, he will answer you in the secret place of thunder.

That God will send thunder upon your enemies, I’m talking about those spiritual enemies, demons and devils that have come against you, that God would confuse them, that God would scatter them, that God would discombobulate them. I don’t know why I said that word, that God would bring them into a place of total confusion, that the Lord will release a sound from heaven that would completely discomfort your enemies. Send them in a panic. God would answer you in the secret place of thunder. It doesn’t have to be a natural thunder in the spirit realm, that the enemies, the spirits, the demons, the conspiracies of darkness would be shaken, that God would cause things to shake and tremble.

He would cause the enemies to tremble and run away in fear, that God will not just answer you, he will answer you in the secret place of thunder, the sound of heaven will be released, the voice of the Lord will be released on your behalf, and the God of glory will thunder, that God’s glory would manifest. Listen when glory shows up, light shows up, brilliant shows up, beauty shows up, power shows up, a sound shows up, and that completely shakes and discomforts the enemy.

Nothing can stand before the voice of the Lord and the God of thunder and the God of glory, because it represents his strength, his power, his might that is released on your behalf. And so father, I thank you today that you are releasing your sound, the sound of heaven is shaking things in the lives of those who are in trouble, those who are in distress, and just as you answered David in Psalm 18 with thunder and lightning and the storm and the coves of fire, and you delivered him, oh God, Lord, I pray that there are people that are watching me that are in distress, that are in trouble, and Lord when they call upon you, you will rescue them, you will deliver them, but Lord you release the sound of thunder in their life, that will completely shake and cause their enemies to tremble and to flee away at the glory and the thunder and the sound of God.

Oh father, I thank you for your thunder being released on the behalf of the people, just as you thundered in Egypt when you sent the plagues of God, you thundered in the book of Exodus and brought judgment upon Egypt, but yet there was no thunder in Goshen, but there was thunder throughout the land of Egypt, when you began bring your people out of Egypt, out of slavery, out of bondage. Oh God, you thundered. Now Lord, thunder in the lives of those who are bound in slavery in Egypt. Thunder, oh God, and cause pharaohs and demons and principalities to be shaken and so that they can release your people and bring your people out of bondage with thunder. Bring your people out of bondage with your voice. Bring your people out of bondage with your sound. Let your glory be released, oh God, and let the God of glory thunder on your behalf.

I declare it now in Jesus’ name, amen.


Well, that was strong. I plan on doing all of that. That was strong. I’ve never, I’ve never spoken on that before. That’s new. That’s fresh. I pray that God will give you new things to preach on, prophesy, decree. Let this word of God open up to you, and there are so many things in this word that we can minister to and encourage the people of God.

I want to again encourage you to sow. I pray that God with thunder in your finances cause all those spirits of poverty, lack to tremble and be shaken, and let this shake poverty out of your life, shake lack out of your life, shake out all demons and devils that have attacked your finances, and let you receive good deliverance and freedom. Let the glory of God, the God of glory thunder over your finances and over your business in Jesus’ name, amen.

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