1 July 2024
Perry Stone: My 2024 Vision for Coming Revival and Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Perry Stone: My 2024 Vision for Coming Revival and Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

I still get chills when I remember that incredible night at Free Chapel in Gainesville, Florida. My longtime friend Pastor Jentezen Franklin had invited me to speak for a week of revival services on end times and prophecy. We had amazing services each night as I taught deeply on the signs of the coming of the Lord.

But on that final Sunday evening, we experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit unlike anything I’ve seen in decades of ministry.

I was preaching a message on restoring wounded souls. As I concluded with an altar call, I felt a strong unction from the Holy Spirit. When I called for those who were backslidden to come forward, the floodgates opened. Over 500 people came pouring to the altars in weeping repentance.

The presence of God was so overwhelming, I could hardly stand. I knelt behind the pulpit, feeling the fear of the Lord shake the building. The altars overflowed into the aisles with hungry souls. Our worship team led gently as our prayer team ministered quietly to each person.

When I looked up at Pastor Jentezen on the platform, he looked stunned. We both realized the sovereign hand of God had fallen. This was not organized revival—this was a suddenly divine interruption straight from Heaven.

Pastor walked to the mic and simply said, “Perry, can you stay through Tuesday?” I quickly replied I would rearrange my schedule. Just like that, we were in the midst of an unplanned outpouring.

We saw amazing things happen each subsequent night. Crowds swelled to fill the 3,000 seat sanctuary. The worship took on a deeper intensity yet carried a peace and order that could only come from the Holy Spirit.

Each night our team would try to wrap things up neatly by 9:30 or 10 pm. But each time we tried to conclude in our strength, waves of prayer and repentance would begin again. College students and youth groups would come in vans. We started overflow services to accommodate the crowds.

Hundreds were baptized powerfully in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time. Miracles happened with no fanfare. And night after night, the emphasis stayed the same: repentance, renewal, and restoration.

I wish I could convey what it felt like to stand in the pulpit each evening, knowing anything could happen. This was not a programmed, packaged event – we had no agenda except seeking Jesus. I was simply yielded clay for the Master Potter to shape the services how He desired.

Pastor Jentezen and I made sure to keep things orderly. Our leadership team was extremely sensitive to prevent any exaggerated behaviors that could grieve the Spirit. Of course, critics still scoffed from the sidelines at the weeping and expressions of joy. But you simply cannot put a lid on the raw move of God when He shows up in power.

This revival ignited a hunger for the Holy Spirit across the city and impacted all generations. We saw dignified seniors dancing with college students as one family under the Spirit’s freedom. Entire high school football teams showed up and many players were baptized in the Spirit.

Whenever true revival comes, the bottom line is this – human plans get interrupted and surrendered to the higher plans of God. Despite exhaustion and inconvenience, you recognize you are standing on holy ground. This is no ordinary church service, but rather a portal between Heaven and Earth.

I don’t know fully when or how the Lord will send the next wave of revival. But I’m posturing myself through prayer and obedience to ride the crest of it when it comes. I hope you’ll join me in preparing the highways of repentance and anticipation for the move of God on the horizon.

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