3 July 2024
Chuck Pierce-Prophetic Word For The Church 2024

Chuck Pierce’s 2024 Vision: Unlocking Heavens and Dethroning Evil for the Church

The Ohio Valley will be where the intersecting winds, these angelic hosts, converge. You will have a sign in this valley where the winds converge. It’ll be in the news and say it was very unusual what happened, the winds converged together. I’m not saying it’ll be a tornado. I don’t know what it will be, but you’re going to know at that point the angels have all come and war is on because it’s going to form a new gate for heaven to rush down into America.

And it’s going to be like what is said in Malachi chapter 4, about the healing in his wings. And all of a sudden it’s going to be like a calf let out of a new gate. And it’s going to cause sons and daughters to reunite. It’s going to cause all sorts of things to happen.

Let me tell you it’s already on the way being formed. So that brings us now to this need for us to understand the kingdom we’re in and that we’re unlocking heavens. We’re dethroning evil that has been enthroned.

Understanding the Kingdom

When you think about kingdom, be sure we understand kingdom is so the kingdom is within you. And we build the ekklesia, the government has to be built properly. But the kingdom is within us, the kingdom is within us. And the kingdom is the whole of God’s redeeming activity that’s going on and its rule along with the kingdom of heaven.

There’s this divine alignment happening now and it is so supernatural, natural and you’re caught right in the middle of it because the kingdom is within you. And as heaven is interacting, as kingdoms are clashing, you are right in the center of the action.

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Look at somebody and say did you ever think you’d be right in the middle of everything like this? And when we gather like this, which is a kingdom meeting, all of a sudden as we’re assembled we have great legislating power. And we have the power of the king behind us that says you say it and I’ll move it.

You’re we’re going to see key gatherings this year we’re going because when God caught me up he showed me all the iniquities in every state. Now every state didn’t have apostolic centers. Every state there were some forming. But every state had thrones of iniquity that were competing with the atmosphere of that state.

And I’m telling you what you’re hearing today, that is of utmost importance, because the throne wars are on. And you’re going to wake up in the middle of the night and just have one sentence and you’re going to say it out loud. And the whole atmosphere is going to change.

You don’t have to be a mouth like us. You just have to say it, say it. And that angel’s going to grab it and take it to where it needs to go. And then it’s going to start multiplying, boomeranging. And before long there’s so much action that you’ve created in the atmosphere. I’m telling you we’re about to stir everything up. It’s just awesome.

You Are a Kingdom Representative

And you are a kingdom representative and you’re going to cause things to move and shake. And we, and see this is what I’ve never understood about the body. They get into this warfare, warfare means the grace to, uh, one thing about warfare it means we have grace to fight.

There’s a supernatural grace that comes to us when when we’re in a warfare season. We are capable of fighting and our king cannot be defeated. And so a lot of antichrist forces, now let me leave you with this because it is really important we get this.

And you know I, I see that forming, intersecting winds here. I mean it’s just angelic activity now. I believe what God is watching this year is the house, how is the house forming? House, what’s happening right now with houses?

Chuck Pierce Prophetic Word 2024

And see it’s, it in Ezekiel 43 what Ezekiel saw was not only the angelic activity but he saw the house. And I read that book so many times and I, it wasn’t until this P, this year that I saw a phrase in it I had never quickened to me. And it said in Ezekiel 43 when it’s talking about the glory, it says the law of the house is going to be applied.

And what God says he’s going to do is start watching how we’re moving in his glory realm together, how we’re governing from his glory realm. And it becomes important for us to understand that where you and Chad show that last slide that I just put in, where you have seated in the past and invested in the past, this year the Lord is longing to see it multiply.

There is a supernatural multiplication anointing that has been stitched into the gate you go through now. That’s the way I want you to think. See that’s what Psalms 23 is about. You’ve been seating in, seating in. Some of you might it might have been 70 years you’ve been seating in and seating in. And now what God has done in this era in history is stitch that into your prayers have been seating in. And he stitched it into the gate that you’re going through.

And that gate has so much multiplication already working on your behalf. You do not want to back down from it. You don’t want to back off from it. You want to take the name that’s backing you and say your name’s coming off. And if you’ll go to many gates you’re going to see names on the other side of those gates that are that have been they’re thrones of iniquity.

This is what the Lord’s requiring for us where is this remnant? Look around at us. We didn’t have one trouble hearing and coming together here. Where are the gatherings? You knew where to come. See these are not the same as us going to church as we’ve defined church. But we are the ekklesia that’s gathering.

Where is the Government of the Church?

Where is the government of the church in each territory? Where is it nationally? See I, I run, I know God put me with Dutch because of his national call from the kingdom governmentally. I asked the Lord one time, Dutch, and Dutch and my wife have the same birthday. They have the same personality.

I said why? I called Pam this morning and I said honey I was just praying for you all during the night because she’s really been struggling some physically. I said I don’t want anything to happen to you and I, I’m afraid I might be bad if something happened to you. And she said you’ve been bad as long as I’ve known you.

She said just keep doing what God’s telling you to do and we’ll be all right. I mean that’s how simple it is. But I asked the Lord I said why? And he said because you need them. Now that’s true. There are certain gifts that yours won’t work right if you don’t hook it up right. That’s what alignment is talking about.

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I know I would not have gone up in heaven if I hadn’t been sitting under what he was speaking. Now hear what I’m saying. There’s reasons we’re here today. God’s hooking us right. That’s why I’m sharing this. God is making sure we are aligned right because he is the God of the host and he’s the Lord of the armies of earth just as well. And you’re one of the things the Lord will deal with this this year is how is the my spirit having liberty to move?

How has the spirit moved in the past in your area? How was the spirit quenched? And how will you allow my spirit to be loosed in a whole new way? And that’s how you’re going to detect what Tim just told us. You’re going to see how a throne of iniquity is stomping the next move of the spirit of God.

Then God’s going to say this is how we are going to take this thing down. I’m going to send that angel in for you. Then you’re going to do what that angel says and don’t run him off. This is what Exodus 23 says. You’re going to do what he says. And all of a sudden my spirit is going to get loosed in your whole territory.

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