3 July 2024
Daniella Oyaga - Inherit a Double Portion of God's Blessings - Prophetic Word

Daniella Oyaga – Inherit a Double Portion of God’s Blessings

God bless you in this wonderful day here is Daniela Oyaga bringing you a prophetic word from the Lord. God is telling someone today you will inherit a double portion. Hallelujah! God is getting ready to give you double of everything you’ve been learning from your mentors and from your coaches. This is a season where God is getting ready to connect you with your destiny helpers – people that are going to help you grow in your ministry, in your business, in your purpose.

Have a Humble Heart

And God is saying to have a humble heart. God wants to make sure that you have a spirit that is able to be taught and refined because God is bringing these people into your life to teach you things that you do not know. You don’t want to miss all of the wisdom that is getting ready to be imparted into your life because in due season God is telling someone today everything that your mentors and your coaches have received you will inherit double because of your obedience, because of your sacrifice to them, because you’re going to honor them.

Connected with Destiny Helpers

God has spoken to me through a vision people of God. In this vision I saw how there was a teacher and she was trying to give a lesson and she was trying to tell people what to do but she was doing it very poorly. Out of nowhere another woman walked in and right away the teacher started to ask how do I do this, how do I do that and the other woman was very kind and telling her how to do it. After she received the impartation of all of that wisdom and all of that knowledge, the class started to flow a little bit better and she was able to exercise in her purpose with more ease.

So God is telling someone just that today – God is bringing people in your life that are going to impart wisdom, that are going to impart knowledge, because this next season of your life God wants to do things in acceleration. Of course you could learn some things on your own but sometimes it could take you a lot longer if you have someone that could give you advice on how to not go through certain difficulties or how to avoid risks – it’s way faster than going through the problem yourself and having to learn on your own.

Relationship Between Elijah and Elisha

When I was meditating on the vision that God gave me, God reminded me of the relationship between Elijah and Elisha. The word of the Lord says people of God, if you know a little bit about Prophet Elijah, he was the prophet that brought the fire down on the altar, he through his ministry the prophets of Baal came to an end. God used them to bring the rain back in that time.

And there came a time when Elijah met with Elisha letting him know that it was now the time for his ministry to start. Whenever this happened, the Bible says that Elisha left everything behind and he started to follow Elijah everywhere he would go with a lot of humbleness to such an extent people of God that the Bible says once Elijah told Elijah to stay behind and Elisha said no matter where you go don’t tell me to stay because I will go with you.

And the Holy Spirit was speaking to me letting me know that that is the type of relationship you’re getting ready to have with a lot of your mentors. Everywhere they go they’re going to ask you to come, it’s God. Everything they tell you to do God is going to tell you to do it because it is under the influence of God.

God is getting ready to connect you with people that are going to guide you literally every step of the way. This is great to make you very successful.

Inherit a Double Portion

Listen to this – the Bible then says people of God in 2 Kings 2:8-14 that the the time came where Elijah was getting ready to be taken away. So then Elijah asks Elisha “Tell me what can I do for you before I am taken away from you?” Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit, Elisha said.

God is telling you today you will inherit a double portion of the spirit of your mentor and your teachers. You will be able to do what they do and more. God is going to take you further, which is why these teachers are important, they’re essential in your life.

And this came to pass – the Bible says that when Elijah left, Elisha picked up the mantle that had fallen from him and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. He took the cloak that had been fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it asking “Where now is the Lord the God of Elijah?”

Look at what the Bible says happened when he struck the water – it divided to the right and to the left and he crossed it. This is the same miracle that Elijah had just previously done. Now Elisha was doing it times two!


So God is telling someone today the things that your teachers are telling you to do, the things that you’ve seen them do – you’re going to do it times two. You’re going to exceed, you’re going to surpass them.

So make sure that whenever these teachers come and they’re telling you to do something that you don’t get prideful. Elisha was very humble, he was always with his master, he was always very respectful.

God is telling his people today have this mentality because that mantle that is getting ready to fall off of these older generations or even people that maybe are not in business anymore but they’re doing internships and you’re connected to them – God is saying that mantle that they’re leaving behind, all of that wisdom, all of the sacrifice that they had to make – you’re going to inherit the blessing, you’re going to inherit the fruits of that.

You have been chosen. There is someone that has to make the way like John the Baptist made the way for Jesus. And there’s a lot of people maybe even in your family that have made way for you because now you’re getting ready to inherit the promise, you’re getting ready to inherit the blessings. So get ready because God is telling someone today you will inherit a double portion. God bless you!

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