3 July 2024
God's Prophetic Word for 2024 - More Blessings Coming! With Apostle John Eckhardt

God’s Prophetic Word for 2024 – More Blessings Coming! With Apostle John Eckhardt

The word the Lord gave me, and there are many words that God gives concerning the new year—everyone has a different perspective, we all prophesy in part—but I kept hearing as we closed out 2023 that 2024 would be the year of more. The year of more—that God would do more.

One of the names of God is El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One or the God of More Than Enough. I believe that in 2024 you’re going to see a manifestation of the All-Sufficient One, the God of More Than Enough. In 2024 the All-Sufficient One, El Shaddai, the God of More Than Enough, is going to cause you to be sufficient, having all sufficiency in all things. That’s based on 2 Corinthians 9:8.

Let me say that again—in 2024, El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One, the God of More Than Enough, is going to cause you to have all sufficiency in all things. I’m believing God for that, and I want you to believe God too as you hear this word.

I’ve been looking at some more Scriptures, Scriptures with the word “more” in them. One Scripture I quote almost every day, there are two Scriptures we decree almost every day. The first one is Deuteronomy 1:11. It says Moses told Israel that the Lord would increase them a thousand times more—a thousand times more. That’s multiplication.

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Then Psalm 115:14 says the Lord increase you more and more, you and your children. The Lord increase you more and more.

In the Book of Matthew it says if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask Him? God will give us good gifts—ask Him for good things, ask Him for His goodness this year.

How much more will your Father do that for you if you do that for your children? If men do that for their children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father do?

When I shared that last night, I said there are probably many more Scriptures I’ve not yet discovered or found with the word “more” in them. This morning, when Gwindelle Forte began to decree, she came up with some more “more” Scriptures.

One of the most common ones I don’t know how I missed is Romans 8:37—In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. More than conquerors, not just conquerors, more than conquerors in 2024. We can overcome no matter what comes.

There are people saying some turbulence is coming, some trouble is coming. I’m not here just to prophesy everything is going to be great in the world. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Usually every year something happens that shakes the world. As a matter of fact, 2024 began with an earthquake in Japan and tsunami warnings. That was not a good prophetic sign because earthquakes represent shaking.

We may see a lot of shaking. We’re already seeing shaking as we came out of 2023 in the church. I believe there’s going to be more exposure of ministry leaders who’ve been guilty of serious moral violations, even criminal activities. More exposure, more judgment is going to come upon churches and ministries, more shaking.

God’s going to shake some things, but the only thing that cannot be shaken is the Kingdom. So make sure you’re living and walking in the Kingdom. But we’re more than conquerors—I like that, more than conquerors in 2024. We can overcome no matter what comes.

More Decrees

I’ve been writing decrees for the last two months, and I need to put that one down: I’ll be more than a conqueror in 2024. I’ll have more and more in 2024. The Lord will increase me more and more in 2024. A thousand times more in 2024. How much more will my Heavenly Father bless me in 2024?

Those are some good decrees and good confessions for this new year. I’ll be more than a conqueror in 2024. So don’t be afraid. Don’t worry about what’s coming. God’s going to give you the victory. You’ll have more victories in 2024 than you’ve ever had before.

More Scripture

Another very common verse is in the Gospel of John where Jesus said if you bring forth fruit, the Lord purges you that you may bring forth more fruit. Every branch in me that bears fruit, He purges it that it may bring forth more fruit.

So more purging and more fruit in 2024. Purging may not be pleasant. God will purge us from some things and cleanse us, get rid of some unproductive things—some things taking up your time. You know, when you purge a tree, you cut off the dead branches because they’re taking up space and providing nothing for the tree. When you purge and cut those branches off, the tree can be more fruitful.

In 2024 God’s going to cut some things off from you—some things taking up space and time, could be relationships, people, activities. God’s going to cut them off because they’re not fruitful for you, that you may bring forth more fruit in 2024. We’re going to have more fruit, but there’s going to be more purging, more cutting. So get ready for that.

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Let God eliminate the things in your life wasting space, time, energy, and attention. Let God get rid of that so you can bring forth more fruit. So more purging in 2024 will bring more fruit in 2024. I’ll add more fruit and more abundance.

Then again, El Shaddai, the God of More Than Enough in 2024. Malachi 3:10 says He’ll pour out a blessing so large you won’t have room to receive it. There will be so much more. Isaiah 54:2 says enlarge the place of your tent, stretch forth the curtains of your habitation, lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you shall break forth on the right hand and on the left.

God is saying make more room, make more room for God to bless you in 2024. Expand your vision, expand what you’re doing financially, make more room because God’s going to pour out a blessing so large it’ll overflow. That’s Psalm 23—He anoints my head with oil, my cup overflows. When your cup overflows, it runs out of room.

God is the God of more, the God of abundance. He pours out so much more—more abundance, more prosperity, more success, more favor.

James 4:6 says He gives more grace or more favor. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. As you humble yourself in 2024, more humility, there will be more grace and favor released in your life in 2024. So I will humble myself more in 2024. I’ll receive more grace and favor in 2024.

The Year of More

2024 will be the year of more. So look up some more Scriptures for me and let me know the ones you find. I’ll preach on them and give you credit, like I did this morning with Gwindelle Forte—she got that “more than conqueror” and “more fruit.”

I know there are many more Scriptures. Let me share this one—love is called the more excellent way in 1 Corinthians 12. Paul said I show you a more excellent way. So we’re going to walk in the more excellent way, which is the way of love. More love—let you abound more and more in love in 2024.

Let God take your love life to another level. Let you love people in a way you’ve never loved before. Let the supernatural love of God, which is shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, flood your heart. May you walk in the more excellent way, which is the way of love—love your brother, love your sister, love even your enemies. Walk in love in 2024.

So I decree that in 2024 I will walk in a more excellent way. I will walk in a more excellent way. I will walk in a more excellent way in 2024. I’m going to keep finding these Scriptures with the word “more” as we come into 2024.

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This is really ministering to me, releasing my faith into what I want in 2024 and what I’m doing in 2024. I will do more in 2024. Here’s another one—Paul said I labored more abundantly than they all. Paul said I did more than all the other apostles, yet not I but the grace of God that was given to me or in me. So because of more grace, you will do more. You’ll labor more abundantly, do more things, have more good works, do more than you’ve ever done before. Yet it will not be you, it’ll be the grace of God in your life because God will give you more grace in 2024.

So I will do more in 2024. I will labor more in 2024, yet not I but the grace of God that is in me because I’ll have more grace in 2024. Another great “more” Scripture to meditate, confess, and decree. I’ll write some more confessions and post them on my Facebook page because I’m always writing decrees and confessions. Of course we do it every morning in the decree room.

I will give more in 2024. I will give more in 2024. Given, it shall be given unto you—good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over shall men give unto your bosom. I will give more. I will sacrifice more in 2024. Make that a decree: I will give more. I’ll sow more in 2024, and I’ll reap more in 2024—more harvest, more reaping, more multiplication, more increase, and more abundance in 2024, the year of more!

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