3 July 2024
Fresh Revelation for 2024 - Apostle John Eckhardt Releases God's Word

God’s Prophetic Word for America 2024 Released by Apostle John Eckhardt

Grace and Peace be multiplied to all the saints throughout the world, and to those joining the first broadcast of 2024. Happy New Year! Blessed New Year! Favored New Year! I hope you had a great crossover into 2024.

I pray and decree favor, grace, blessing, prosperity, abundance, multiplication, increase over your finances, business, ministry, accounts, family, children, everything that pertains to you, you will have the blessing of God in 2024. And then as you sow, you receive a thousandfold return. Deuteronomy 1:11, the Lord increase you a thousand times more. Let it come upon your life in 2024. And let 2024 be a year of the open door, a year of more, more grace, more peace, more Shalom, more prosperity, more success, more breakthrough, more finances, more ideas, more creativity, more strength, more wisdom, more understanding, more knowledge, more revelation, more power, more insight, more discretion, more glory upon your life, more blessing, more rain, more rivers flowing into your life.

That God would do more in 2024, that you have great breakthroughs and success, and that those sowing the beginning of this year, you’re setting the course for 2024 to be a blessed year, a favored year, a year of favor, a year of blessing, of divine intervention and favor over your life. And again, may the eyes of the Lord, Deuteronomy 11:12, be upon your land in 2024 from the beginning to the end, from the beginning to the end. May God take care of you and provide for you and give you more than enough.

Cause the windows of heaven to be open, the floodgates of heaven open over your life, Malachi 3:10, that blessings be poured out, you’ll not have room enough to receive it all. That Psalm 23 would manifest. The Lord is your Shepherd, you will not want. He leads you in green pastures, beside still waters, restores your soul, leads you in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. And if you walk, even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil, for the Lord will be with you. His rod and staff will comfort you.

He’ll prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. He’ll anoint your head with oil, your cup will run over. Surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of 2024, and you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever, Psalm 23. Let it manifest in your life in 2024. I decree it according to Job 22:28, we shall decree a thing and it shall be established in Jesus’ name.

So the eyes of the Lord see everything. Nothing is hidden from God. God sees all, he knows all, he observes all. But when we talk about the eyes of the Lord being upon his people, it means that God will give attention to you, that God’s focus will be on you, and that God’s care is upon your life. So I’m decreeing that the eyes of the Lord will be upon you in 2024, upon your family, your loved ones, that God would give you attention, that God would focus on you, that God would take care of you from the beginning of the year, January 1st, all the way through December 31st, 2024.

Now another verse that we often speak of is 2nd Chronicles 16:9. The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are perfect toward Him. Other translations say that God looks to, when it says show Himself strong, it means to give strength to those whose hearts are perfect, to those who are complete, to those who are steadfast, to those who are whole. God gives strength. God is looking, he’s always looking for people to give attention to, to take care of, and to give strength to.

The Lord is the strength of my life. The blessed man, a blessed woman, is a person who makes God his strength. Jeremiah 17 talks about the blessing that comes upon the man who trusts in the Lord, who makes God his strength. He’ll be like a tree planted by the water, his leaf shall not wither. It’ll bring forth fruit in his season. He’ll always have water because our strength is not in ourselves. We don’t depend on our strength. We depend on the strength of God. We trust God. We don’t try to live for God in our own strength. We live by God’s grace and God’s strength.

So the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth. God is always looking, searching for a people he can focus on, give attention to, take care of, and give strength to. Powerful verse, 2nd Chronicles 16:9.

Psalm 101:6 says the eyes of the Lord are upon the faithful of the land. God pays attention to the faithful. God pays attention to those who are loyal to him, those who continue to walk with him, those whose hearts never depart from him. His eyes are upon the faithful of the land. So I wanna speak to those who are faithful. You’ve been faithful through 2023. You’ll be faithful in 2024. The faithful are the ones that don’t compromise. They don’t bow, they don’t turn away from God. They’re faithful, and God’s eyes are upon you.

Then Psalm 34:15 says his eyes are upon the righteous. The righteous, similar to the faithful, both are similar. The faithful are the righteous. The righteous are those who do right. They speak right. They walk in integrity, honesty, holiness. They’re righteous. They, they don’t walk in iniquity. They don’t walk in perversion. They don’t walk in rebellion. They don’t walk in slander. There’s no guile in their heart. His eyes are upon the righteous.

Of course our righteousness is in Christ, but also God imparts into us the spirit to live righteous, godly lives. God’s eyes are upon the righteous. His ears are open to their cry, their prayers. God does not ignore them. God does not say depart from me, I never knew you. No, God’s attention and God’s eyes are upon the righteous.

Then Psalms 33:18 says the eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear Him, those who reverence, worship, respect God. The fear of the Lord, Proverbs 8:13, is to hate evil, pride, arrogance, the evil way, the perverse mouth do I hate. Those who fear the Lord, God’s eyes will be upon you.

His eyes are in every place beholding both the evil and the good. God sees everything. Make sure there’s no evil in your life, no wickedness in your life, no guile in your life, no rebellion in your life, but his eyes are upon the evil and the good. He sees the wicked. He sees what they’re doing. He sees those that are operating in witchcraft, idolatry, rebellion, pride, those that are full of guile and craftiness, those that are operating in demonic agendas. God sees. Nothing can hide from him. And it will not be well with the wicked, but it will be well for the righteous. And that’s what I’m decreeing for those of you watching today.

When we talk about the land, I have a book called The Good Land that talks about the land referring to your inheritance in Christ. I heard one of my daughters, Sandy Norman, say she heard the word allotment today, that God was gonna give us our allotment, the lot that belongs to you, the land, the place, the inheritance that belongs to you in Christ. I heard her say allotment today, that God was gonna give us our allotment. Also this book, many use at the beginning of the year, all year it’s called Declarations for Spiritual Warfare or Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare.

Continue to decree, believe God, trust God, have a blessed, blessed day on this New Year’s Day. We’re gonna continue all week. Thank you for your gifts, your seed. Thank you for those who have been faithful in giving in 2023, and as we move into 2024, as you’re sowing your seed, I really, really do appreciate your gifts and your sacrifice as well. Thank you for all of those that have tuned in today and shared the broadcast as well. Believe God for a great year, blessed year, and believe God for grace to overcome anything that would come up this year. Walk in faith, take the shield of faith, quench out every fiery dart of the enemy. Put on the whole armor of God according to Ephesians 6.

Helmet of salvation, shield of faith, sword of the spirit, your loins girded about with truth, your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Walk in protection. Let your back be covered with fire by the glory of God. Let no weapon formed against you prosper in 2024. Everyday will be blessed, his mercies will be new every morning, every morning you wake up, new mercy is upon your life, new grace and new favor is upon your life, including today. New mercy and new grace is upon your life. You’re forgiven, you’re washed in the blood. Your sins are forgiven. You’re clean before God by his grace. You’re the righteousness of God in Christ. Walk in that, walk in that revelation. Go bold into the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need, Hebrews 4:16.

Trust in God with all your heart. Lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, He will direct your paths in 2024. He will teach you to profit, lead you in the way you should go, Isaiah 48:17. Your bread shall break forth on the right hand and on the left, Isaiah 54:3.

I Pray and Decree Favor and Prosperity

I pray and decree favor, grace, blessing, prosperity, abundance, increase over your finances, your business, your ministry, your accounts, your family, your children, everything that pertains to you. That you will have the blessing of God in 2024. And then as you sow, you receive a thousandfold, a thousandfold. Deuteronomy 1:11 – The Lord increase you a thousand times more. Let it come upon your life in 2024.

And let 2024 be a year of the open door, a year of more favor, more grace, more peace, more shalom, more prosperity, more success, more breakthrough, more finances, more ideas, more creativity, more strength, more wisdom, more understanding, more knowledge, more revelation, more power, more insight, more discretion, more glory upon your life, more blessing, more rain, more rivers flowing into your life.

Psalm 23 Manifests as God’s Divine Care

That God would do more in 2024. That you have great breakthroughs and great success. And that those who are sowing the beginning of this year, you’re setting the course for 2024 to be a blessed year, a favored year, a year of favor, a year of blessing, of your divine intervention and favor over your life.

And again, may the eyes of the Lord, Deuteronomy 11:12, be upon your land in 2024 from the beginning to the end, from the beginning to the end. May God take care of you and provide for you and give you more than enough. And cause the windows of heaven, Malachi 3:10, to be open, the floodgates of heaven open over your life, that blessings will be poured out that you not have room enough to receive.

And that Psalm 23 would manifest – the Lord is your shepherd, you will not want. He’ll lead you in green pastures, he’ll lead you beside still waters, he’ll restore your soul. He’ll lead you in the path of righteousness for his name’s sake. And even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you’ll fear no evil, for the Lord will be with you. His riding staff will comfort you.

He’ll prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. He’ll anoint your head with oil and your cup will run over. And surely, let goodness and mercy follow you all the days of 2024. And may you dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23, let it manifest in your life in 2024. I decree it according to Job 22 and 28 – we shall decree a thing and it shall be established in Jesus name.

The Eyes of the Lord Upon You

Now I’m going to talk about the eyes of the Lord today and scriptures that say the eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good. The eyes of the Lord see everything, nothing is hidden from God. God sees all, he knows all, he observes all.

But when we talk about the eyes of the Lord being upon his people, it means that God will give attention to you. God’s focus will be on you. Some key verses I’m going to give you – you can write these down. These are the verses the Lord gave me to share today.

I’ve already shared Deuteronomy 11 and 12 where God said my eyes are upon the land, referring to the land of Canaan, and I take care of it from the beginning of the year to the end. So it meant that land received God’s special attention, God focused on it, God provided for it, God reigned upon it, God blessed it.

So the eyes of the Lord mean God’s focus, his blessing, his care is upon your life. I’m decreeing that the eyes of the Lord will be upon you in 2024 – your family, your loved ones. That God would give you attention, that God’s focus will be on you, that God would take care of you.

God’s Divine Care and Strength

From the beginning of the year, January 1st, all the way through December 31st 2024. Now another key verse we often speak of is 2 Chronicles 16:9 – the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth to give strength to those whose hearts are perfect toward him.

Other translations say that God looks to show himself strong, which means to give strength to those whose hearts are perfect, complete, steadfast, whole. God gives strength. God is looking for people to focus on, give attention to, take care of, and give strength to.

The Lord is the strength of my life. The blessed man, blessed woman, is a person who makes God his strength. We don’t depend on our own strength, we depend on the strength of God. God’s eyes run to and fro, God is always searching for a people he can focus on, give attention to, take care of, and give strength to. Powerful verse, 2 Chronicles 16:9.

God’s Eyes on the Faithful and Righteous

Now Psalm 101:6 says the eyes of the Lord are upon the faithful of the land. God pays attention to the faithful, the loyal, those who continue to walk with him, who don’t depart from him, whose hearts never depart from him. His eyes are upon the faithful of the land.

I want to speak to those who are faithful – you’ve been faithful through 2023, you’ll be faithful in 2024. The faithful are those who don’t compromise, who don’t bow, who don’t turn away from God. They’re faithful. God’s eyes, attention, focus, care will be upon you in 2024.

And then Psalms 34:15 says his eyes are upon the righteous. The righteous are similar to the faithful – both are similar. The faithful are the righteous. The righteous are those who do right, speak right, walk in integrity, walk in honesty, walk in holiness. They’re righteous, they don’t walk in iniquity, perversion, rebellion, slander. There’s no guile in their heart. His eyes are upon the righteous.

Of course our righteousness is in Christ but he also imparts into us the spirit of God to live righteous, godly lives. God’s eyes are upon the righteous, his ears are open to their cry, their prayers. God gives attention to the righteous, he listens to the righteous, his ears are open to their cry. God does not ignore them, God does not say depart from me I never knew you. No, God’s attention and eyes are upon the righteous.

God’s Eyes on Those Who Fear Him

And then Psalms 33:18 says the eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear him – those who reverence, worship, respect God. The fear of the Lord, Proverbs 8:13, is to hate evil, pride, arrogance, the evil way, the perverse mouth. Those who fear the Lord, God’s eyes will be upon you.

I’m decreeing and praying that from the beginning of 2024, today all the way to the end, December 31st, that the eyes of the Lord will be upon you, upon your land wherever you’re living, dwelling. That’s Deuteronomy 11 and 12, that God’s eyes will be upon you and God would take care of you from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

That God’s attention, focus, care would be upon you. God would watch over you, God pays attention to the details of your life – the very hairs of your head are numbered. God knows every detail about your life. His eyes are on you, on the righteous, on the faithful, on those whose hearts are perfect toward him, on those who fear him, on the land – your land.

You are the land that God watches over and takes care of. So that’s my decree, that’s the word the Lord gave me as we come into 2024 – that 2024 will not only be a year of more, a year of open door, a year of more and more favor, grace – but it will also be a year in which you’ll see God’s eyes upon your life, your family, your business, your ministry.

God’s attention, focus, care will be upon you in 2024. It’ll be the year of divine care, the year of divine protection, the year of divine blessing for the righteous, not for the wicked. It will not be well.

Put on the Armor of God

Take the shield of faith, quench out every fiery dart of the enemy. Put on the whole armor of God according to Ephesians chapter 6 – helmet of salvation, shield of faith, sword of the spirit, have your loins girt about with truth, your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Walk in protection. Let your back be covered with fire by the glory of God. Let your rearward, your backside, and every fiery dart of hell be quenched that will be shot against you. And no weapon formed against you will prosper in 2024. Everyday will be blessed. His mercies will be new every morning. Every morning you wake up, new mercy is upon your life, new grace and new favor is upon your life, including today. New mercy and new grace is upon your life. You’re forgiven. You’re washed in the blood. Your sins are forgiven. You’re clean before God by His grace. You’re the righteousness of God in Christ. Walk in that, walk in that revelation. Go bold into the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need, Hebrews Chapter 5.

Trust in the Lord

Trust in God with all your heart. Lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him. He will direct your path in 2024. He will teach you the prophet and lead you in the way that you should go, Isaiah 48 and 17. He’ll call you to walk in a plain path. He’ll give you wisdom for this year. And wisdom will promote you, bless you, protect you, call you to sleep well, give you a long life, give you durable riches, honor, wealth, gold, silver. Let it come upon your life because of God’s wisdom. You have wisdom for 2024. You have wisdom for this year. You know what to do. You make good decisions, wise decisions. You have good discernment. You be a problem solver. You’ll be a blessing unto many other people. The river of waters shall flow out of your belly. You prophesy. You release the word of the Lord. The word of God will be upon you, even a fresh anointing. Psalm 92 and 10 – that your horn shall be exalted with honor. And God will anoint you with fresh oil. Let fresh oil be upon you for 2024.

New Anointing

And I decree and even prophesy that many of you are coming into a new season as you come into the New Year. It’ll not just be new in the natural, it’ll be something new spiritually. And I’ll cause new things to manifest in your life. And for those who have said, “I’m tired of the old. I’m tired of the routine,” get ready for something new and something fresh that will come upon your life. The Lord says, “Trust me for the new and believe me for the new and not be stuck in the old, but continue to move forward.” And even as you get older naturally, remember the Lord says, “Your youth will be renewed like the eagle. I’ll renew you. I’ll renew you in your body. I’ll renew you in your mind. I renew you in your spirit. I cause newness to be appointed in 2024.”

Double Blessing

It’ll be the year of the double. In 2024 double 12, it’ll be the year of the double double fulfillment, double blessing, double favor shall be upon you. And you know what it means to walk in multiplication, increase and abundance and favor, not just in the natural, but also in the spiritual, says the Lord. “I’m doing a new thing. I’m causing my prophets to prophesy. And as they release the word, remember to believe my prophets and you will prosper. I’m causing a prosperity to come upon you as my prophets decree and as you embrace the word of God. I will continue to edify, exhort and comfort you and strengthen you and cause you to be instructed and to be taught my ways,” says the Lord.

Prophets Will Break Idolatry

“And know the prophetic and those who flow in the prophetic. I’ll use my prophets to break idolatry and break wickedness in the lives of many and bring people back unto Zion, back to the altar, back to true worship. It’ll be a year of true worship when men will throw away their idols and throw away the things that are empty and vain and again come to me and worship me, the only one that can satisfy. I am the other one can give you purpose for you being created and you’re being here. It’ll be a year in which I’ll give you revelation of purpose and what I’ve called you to do. Many of you are in a transition time. You’re saying, ‘Lord, I know what you did in my life in the past. What new thing do you want me to do in the future, Lord?'”

New Revelations

The Lord said, “I’m gonna reveal to you my plans and my purposes for your life. I’m gonna give you dreams and visions. I’m gonna open up your understanding of what I’m calling you to do, where I want you to go, where I want you to be established, where I want you to be set, where I want you to travel, who I want you to minister to, who you’re called to, what you’re to release. And the word is coming, new words, fresh words, and fresh revelations will come unto my people as you move into 2024. You’re not going to eat the old manna, but I’ll give you new manna every day. I’ll give you new words and new things so don’t depend even on old messages, but let me refresh you and give you new manna and new words that will, will bring satisfaction, breakthrough, and deliverance in your life in 2024.”

New Gifts

Father, I declare it. I prophesy it. I release it today. Thank you, Lord, for your word coming forth over your people. As they hear your word, send your word and heal us and deliver us from every destructive plan of hell. Let your word come to build us up, edify us, encourage us, heal us, deliver us, give us insight, give us light, give us courage, give us boldness, give us direction, give us understanding. Let your wisdom come through your word. Let the prophetic word come to be a light in a dark place. Thank you, Father, for your prophetic word coming and touching us and blessing us in Jesus name. Let impartation come through your prophetic word. There’s a fresh importation coming upon many of you, a prophetic release as the prophets and apostles and other fivefold ministries prophesy. There’ll be an importation, a release of the spirit of wisdom, of knowledge, of understanding, the fear of the Lord, the spirit of counsel, the spirit of might, fresh anointing, and new importations and new giftings shall be your portion, says the Lord through importation. I release gifts and even new manifestations of my glory and even new endowments shall be your portion, says the Lord. Even through the prophetic word, I’m releasing new mantles, new anointings, and new giftings. And you’ll find yourself doing things that you could not do before. You’ll say, ‘Where did this come from?’ And I’ll say, ‘It came from me. It came through my word. It came through impartation.’ So Father, I thank you for your word being released today, new gifts for the New Year, new gifts for 2024 coming through importation and through the prophetic word – gifts of wisdom, gifts of knowledge, gifts of healing, miracles, tongues, interpretations, prophecy gifts of mercy, giving, administration, serving. Thank you, Lord, for new gifts, prophetic giftings being released even now, administrative giftings, helps giftings being released now. Thank you, Lord, for doing unusual, unusual gifts, yes, unusual gifts and special anointings coming upon many, gifts, abilities to teach, to preach, to prophesy, to sing, to worship, gifts to play skillfully on instruments, gifts to release the song of the Lord, gifts to come forth from the psalmists and minstrels in this hour. Father, new, new giftings for the New Year, new giftings for 2024 coming through importation and through the prophetic word. For those who say it’s not by might, it’s not by power, but it’s by my spirit, says the Lord. So walk in the spirit, live in the spirit, praying in the spirit, singing in the spirit. Do not grieve the spirit. Do not quench the spirit. Be filled with the spirit and allow me to infill you and to give you a fresh feeling of my anointing in my spirit that you might flow rivers out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water. And you’ll bring life and healing and restoration to many that you minister to in this hour. I’m causing a new river to flow from you, and I’m causing those rivers to touch you – the river of life and blessing and revival and glory shall be your portion in this year. I prophesy and I declare today, Father, and I thank you for what you’re doing in the lives of your people. I give you praise for new songs, new songs, new sounds coming in 2024, new gatherings, new collaborations of ministries, new ministries coming together to work together, new gatherings and speakers collaborating on the same platform in 2024 to not be the same people ministries in the same conferences. It’ll be different anointings coming together and ministry in different gatherings that have not ministered before. I’m doing a new thing, says the Lord, Isaiah 42 and 9. Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things do I declare before they spring forth. I tell you of them. So new things are coming forward, and in the days to come, new gatherings, new anointings, new songs, new sounds, new worship. A new wind shall blow, a new breath shall come, new inspiration shall be your portion, and you’ll find new power and new ability and new grace shall come upon you in this season. I decree and prophesy on the first day of 2024. I thank you for it, Father, and I bless you.

New Rain

New rain shall fall from heaven, and I’ll give you new moisture in your life and new rain shall soften the ground. And new seeds shall be planted, and new harvests shall come forth, and you’ll reap new things, new blessings, new harvests shall come in 2024. Get ready for the new, says the Lord, and there’ll be new surprises. I’ll surprise you with my goodness and my grace. And new bonanzas and new breakthroughs shall be appointed, says the Lord, new connections, new relationships. I’ll forge in 2024. And you’ll see yourself moving in new doors and new places and travelling in new places you’ve never been before, or even places that you’ve not been in a long time, you’ll revisit them, says the Lord in 2024. So get ready for it, Father. I thank you, and I release it today in Jesus name. Amen.

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