3 July 2024
Daniella Oyaga - God's Word for You in January 2024 - Your Light is Shining Bright

God’s Word for You in January 2024 – Your Light is Shining Bright | Daniella Oyaga

God bless you in this wonderful day here is Daniella Oyaga bringing you a word from the Holy Spirit, people of God. The Lord is speaking to you today, and he is saying your light is shining very bright. You are in your purpose, you’re walking in your assignment, you’re doing what God has called you to do. You’ve made it until this point, and your light is shining very bright. Your influence has grown, your power has grown. Hallelujah!

And I want you to know something that although this might be something normal for you—like it’s your morning routine to be successful, it’s your evening routine to be amazing—there are some people that are noticing your light. There are some people that are being impacted, people from your past that are seeing how bright you are shining, how bright you are, Hallelujah, exercising the very thing that God has called you to do.

The Lord Has Blessed Me with a Vision

The Lord has blessed me with a vision, people of God, and it was quite supernatural. The Holy Spirit revealed through me, revealed to me through a vision that there was this woman, and she went into this building. As she went into this building, there was a line of people from her past—like a line of people that were all literally just looking at her do her business or do what she was there to do, amen.

I saw that this woman was dressed very fancy, like she had a nice purse, um, she was just very well put together. And then I saw that somebody from her past—like a woman, um, a coach or like a spiritual leader or mentor—found her and started to say like “Oh, I’m so glad” and just giving her like all all of this positive feedback again because she has made it to this point.

People from Your Past Are Seeing Your Light

And the Lord spoke to me, people of God. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the people that are coming back from your past are not like just people from like 2 years ago, people from like your childhood, people from like high school if high school was like a long time for you, people from freshman year, people even from like Elementary, Middle School—like people from way back, y’all, Hallelujah—are being impacted, are hearing about you, are seeing about your success. Like people, that’s how bright your light is shining.

Don’t underestimate what you are doing. Don’t think that your impact is small or no. People from way back are hearing about you.

The Story of Joseph

And then the Holy Spirit used the story of Joseph, okay. So let’s talk about it a little bit right. The Bible speaks to us about Joseph. He was sold by his brothers, um, then he went to jail where he encountered a lot of people. He had a situation with Potiphar’s wife, right?

Then all of this turned around. Then Joseph was in the palace, okay? When Joseph was in the palace, before he went to that point, before people started to come back because in the spirit realm, Joseph wasn’t the same person as he was before when he was in prison, the Bible says, or in jail. The Bible says that one of the prisoners that had been there with him before remembered, right? So that’s one person coming back because in the spirit, Joseph was still in jail, Joseph was still in his cell, but in the spirit it was time for Joseph to be promoted.

It started with that person that remembered. Then it was Potiphar that remembered, right? He came and he said “Oh let me help you now.” Joseph finds himself in a place where what was said about him in the spirit realm is now manifested in the physical. His destiny helpers came, and he is now in the place that God always wanted him to be at. He is now sitting in a position of governing. He is in charge of finances. He is somebody important.

God Is Calling You to Your Purpose

God is telling you, you, you’re at that place too, right? You are in your purpose, you are in your assignment, and you might have, you might have had people from your past already coming again—people from like two years ago like people from like your past but not like not way, way back. People like kind of recent that have been coming back just like Potiphar came back.

But then the Bible says that his brothers showed up. If we were to think about it, we always talk about this, but we don’t really like, we don’t really like eat the word of God. We just like “Oh yeah, your, your people from your past are going to come.” But we have to break it down, right?

Joseph, his brothers were people from way back, like years have passed now. He probably like didn’t even remember all of his brothers that well, um, but they showed up, right? Now that Joseph’s light is shining, now that Joseph is in his assignment, now that Joseph is in his purpose, his brothers from his childhood, those that sold him when he was just a young boy are appearing.

And it wasn’t that Joseph went out to look for them, but what Joseph had that they needed, it was time, right? It was time for there to be that encounter. So the Lord is telling you the same thing: people from your past, people from a long time ago are getting ready to come back in your life.

People Are Thinking About How They Treated You

Additionally, this is, this is very specific. People are like really meditating on how they treated you. Why? People are contemplating, people are thinking about you. Like I saw in this vision, like people were looking at this whoever this woman was, you could be a man as well, this is just how the Holy Spirit spoke to me today. Like people, and even an ex—like some an ex from your past because I saw this man, and he was a dark-skinned tall man.

I think he like played basketball or something. I don’t know why the Holy Spirit revealed this, but it’s going to be for somebody. You’re going to listen to this and be like “Oh my gosh, yes, that’s for you” because I saw this man, and he was just like contemplating how he treated you.

The woman's arms could be open wide as if embracing the light and she could be looking up with her eyes closed, with a serene expression. White doves could be flying around her to represent the Holy Spirit. You could overlay the title text "Your Light is Shining Bright" in a bold font across the image. Add imagery like a cross, open Bible, or glowing heart behind the text to relate it to the spiritual message.

So I know that the Holy Spirit can be speaking to someone specifically, but I also believe that the principle is that people are thinking about how they treated you in the past. People are thinking, and they’re being either very sad or regretful because they disrespected you, because they mistreated you, like that coach.

These are the two individuals that stood out to me. There was an ex from the past that was regretful about how they treated you, and then there was a coach that was joyful and was happy about the fact that they sowed a positive seed in your life because it’s now producing good fruit.

Again, this is the, the conversations or the thoughts that people from your past are having about you. They’re like “Wow, like I should have helped her,” or “I should have treated her better.” Or they’re saying, “I’m so glad I was kind to her because now look at where she’s at,” and it’s all paying off.

Keep Shining Your Light

So this is the word that I have for you today, people of God. Your light is shining. Keep being on your purpose like always. The videos that God brings to us about revelation, about people from our past, it’s not for you to reach out or call up and be like “Hey, you know somebody had a vision about you.” No, it’s just for you to know that you’re growing, that you know God did what he said he was going to do, that God has defended you, that God has changed your story, and that it’s going to keep on getting better for you.

God bless you. It was a blessing to share this word for you today. Keep on shining, and I’ll see you, you guys, next time. Take care.

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