3 July 2024
Prophetic Update for 2024: Timothy Dixon Calls the Church to Prayer

Prophetic Update for 2024: Timothy Dixon Calls the Church to Prayer

Hello everybody, this is brother Timothy Dixon coming to you tonight. This is the last night of this year coming into a brand new year. We are down here at New Beginning Worship in Grand Ridge, Florida where we’re going to pray through the new year and let the Lord have his way tonight.

I had a something here I was wanting to share with you. I had a dream the night before last that I was standing looking out over a canyon, a big divide. It looked like something like the Grand Canyon. Along beside me was a lot of prophetic voices. On the other side was a large crowd of people. It looked like they were all taking part in a service that reminded me of a mass, like a Catholic mass.

I had a dream the night before last that I was standing looking out over a canyon, a big divide. It looked like something like the Grand Canyon. Along beside me was a lot of prophetic voices. On the other side was a large crowd of people. It looked like they were all taking part in a service that reminded me of a mass, like a Catholic mass. There was a priest waving a lantern.

There was a priest waving a lantern. He had in his hand and there was a wooden bridge stretched across the divide, like a rope bridge that could swing and move and sway in the wind. Standing on our side was President Trump. He walked out on the edge of the bridge as to cross over it and I spoke up, along with other people that were there, and said “There is danger, there is danger, danger over there on that side. There’s danger!”

And he said “I’m going to have to go and face them and fight this, for they are evil.” And I knew that it was something that he was fixing to cross, that he was going to have to fight against for the saving of a nation, the saving of a country.

A Prophetic Song of Building

Then different prophetic voices around there, they started singing an old song called “I’m Building a Bridge” and that old song, it goes “I’m building a bridge across the divide. I’m building it strong and I’m building it wide. God gave me the plan, I’m following through. I’m going to make it somehow, how about you?”

And that’s the song that everyone was singing. We all joined in singing as President Trump started crossing over. I knew that he was going to take the land back on the other side of this canyon.

A Word on Understanding God’s Ways

Then I was filled with a knowledge of God for the coming days. There are many that will not be able to come into the latter-day church because of a lack of being able to understand the ways of my Spirit, is what the Lord was speaking. “A carnal-minded man is enmity against God” (Romans 8:7-9). “The time for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then those who are in the flesh cannot please God.”

And in Mark 4:20, Jesus talked about a 30, 60, and 100-fold people that would be able to produce. And the Lord was giving me an understanding of these times that we are living in, that there’s many that have of course a 100-fold and a great understanding, but there are some with 30 that do not understand the ways and the ways that God is moving.

It’s just like when Jesus came in his time, in his day when John the Baptist came standing in the river of Jordan, him speaking what he spoke. John came telling them to repent, for the kingdom of God was at hand. And being that he was coming like that and Jesus even coming, they did not understand their way because it looked like it was totally against the ways of Moses and the way of the church.

Because all the things that Jesus was doing – plucking corn on the Sabbath day and that was against the law, you know, and just different other things that he began to do that looked so bad, so they surely said “Well surely Jesus was a false prophet.” And there are people out here that are carnal-minded and an enemy of the Spirit of God and an enemy of the working of the Spirit.

And therefore they don’t see or hear the Spirit speak or work. Them that is an enemy of the working of the Spirit, they are the ones that twist the Word of God and fight against the called and chosen ministers of God.

A Crucial Time for the Kingdom

We are living in a day, we are living in a time, where the kingdom of God is at hand. And just as the disciples and Jesus was lied on, talked about, then they called Jesus and the disciples false prophets because when Jesus came into his time of ministry he done things that looked like it was totally against God’s Word.

There they called him false and thought no way that Jesus could be the Son of God. It is the same today in 2023, soon to be 2024. God has raised up men and women to carry out a task that would better the kingdom of God and the last harvest call.

God has raised up and blessed America to carry healing to the nations. He’s raised up President Trump just as he did Nebuchadnezzar. And that is something that many do not want to even try to understand – how that God can have his way even with something like this. But he has always had the prophets and the men of God, women, to speak to the kings, presidents. That is why that you see him being fought like he is and Senator Ted Cruz and different other ones.

God has given him a task for the kingdom. Many of the carnal-minded men and women will never be able to see the battle of the last harvest. It is not to say that they won’t make it into heaven. I’m not the judge of that. I saw a great battle being fought by the different men and women that God has put them in the political place of power to be a voice for the things that be of God. And the fight is being fought today as I speak.

The Enemy’s Schemes

The enemy is wanting us to give up, stop trying, stop what you are doing. The enemy wants you to think that this is foolish, tells you you ain’t accomplishing nothing. But the enemy of your soul is lying to us, cause without the voices of the men and women of God, the prophets and the five-fold ministry, we would be in a communist America and no longer would be free.

Satan does not want you to see what is true. He wants you to believe a lie and wants you to believe in his lying children that profess to be a minister of righteousness, but they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They are the ones that teach you to turn against the Word of God, speaking as though they have scripture but have no scripture.

Don’t even read scripture, just hate. They plant hate in your heart. Them are the children of Satan and God’s going to deal with them just like he always has.

God’s Army Raised Up

There is an army of God that has been called into battle for freedom to worship the Lord. This army has been raised up with many different voices. There is a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court whose name that I can’t tell. He is a powerful key to the foundation for the foundation of the way of truth, along with many more that have been placed in the king’s house for such a time as this.

God has always had someone in place to work his will. God has exposed the evil that we will know our battlegrounds. Satan wants everyone to give it up, stop praying and believing in the power of the Almighty. It’s the power of prayer, the power of unity, joining together, agreeing together in the impossible that is going to save this country and is saving this country. Thank you Jesus! It’s a time that we are to get your Bibles down and read, read your Bible, read what the Bible says.

Get the old King James version and read what it’s telling you, telling you about the five-fold ministry and them that say there ain’t such a thing. Read it, read it! The apostles, the apostles are the ones that taught this and their teachings were given to them by the Spirit of God and by Jesus teaching them and telling them the things that he wanted them to preach and how to live and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Warning and a Call

And anybody though that you see out here, whatever channel that they may have, if they are bringing forth a bunch of hatred, a bunch of hatred to hate your brothers, hate your sisters, that ain’t God. It don’t matter who they are, it ain’t God. God does not work like that. And people working out of jealousy, just pure jealousy and strife because they didn’t get what you got or either they didn’t…

A lot of them, some of them I’ve looked back in some of their channels, they, I don’t know what their plans are, but for years and years and years all they’ve ever had was criticism, never really reading the word, never talking of anything other than running people down. But we are in a day that the Spirit of God is being poured out upon this country. And I’m telling you there is a time right now that God is going to hold the people accountable, them that lift up their tongues against God’s people.

They’re fixing to see if God’s like that or not. They’re fixing to – there’ll be no laugh or nothing else in their mouth or tongue making a joke out of everything. Um, God’s going to deal with them. He’s dealt with everybody that you’ve ever seen come through Bible times. They ain’t no different. There’ll be a day, a day that God’s not going to allow them to cause trouble in this last day move of the Spirit of God.

God is moving by his Spirit right now and healing, the healing power of Jesus Christ. We've seen God move in so many different ways and so many different miracles that there's no way in the world that you, you go to these meetings and see God move and you can't say it ain't God. And see how God is healing, it's just really, really great to know what God is doing in our time, to know what he's doing right now.

It is great. God is moving by his Spirit right now and healing, the healing power of Jesus Christ. We’ve seen God move in so many different ways and so many different miracles that there’s no way in the world that you, you go to these meetings and see God move and you can’t say it ain’t God. And see how God is healing, it’s just really, really great to know what God is doing in our time, to know what he’s doing right now.

Thank you Jesus! And the Gathering is coming up real fast. We got just a few more days and we’ll be starting the Gathering. If you have not signed in, please sign in. Let us know how many – we want to know how many people’s coming so we can be prepared. And we appreciate you writing to me at Post Office Box 417, Midland City, Alabama, 36350.


Soon as the winter breaks I’m going to start laying the footers and foundation of the building of the church, of the Gathering’s place out here in Dothan on the four lane. But we love you, we appreciate everyone. We appreciate all that you’re doing. We appreciate you dearly. We’ve went to several different states this year in different places and we were able to lift up the name of Jesus and bind the spirits of the enemy. And because of that it has made, it has made the kingdom of God even more stronger in people’s lives.

It’s touched people’s lives in such a great way. The enemy is losing and he’s scared, scared to death. He is running to and fro in this land seeking whom he can devour. Thank you Jesus! And that’s what he’s doing.

We love you, we appreciate you. Write to me. Thank you again for all that you’re doing for us. We appreciate it for all the different offerings and other things and the books and all the different little stuff that you’ve been sending to me and my wife. We really appreciate it dearly. We love you. We appreciate you and we look to see you in the Gathering. Or we’re going to be trying to move in toward San Antonio or El Paso, Texas, one of those areas here. But we appreciate you and until then, God bless you is our prayer. Hold on, don’t give up!

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