3 July 2024
Prophetic Wisdom for Spiritual Breakthrough in 2024 Motivational Speeches and Spiritual Teachings by Tim Sheets

Prophetic Wisdom for Spiritual Breakthrough in 2024: Motivational Speeches and Spiritual Teachings by Tim Sheets

I’m going to teach a prophetic word to you today. It’s the only way I know to do this. It will be foundational for prophetic words that will be coming. Prophetic words, remember, are conditional to our response. That’s what the King said in Matthew 16:18 and 19, that he’s giving authority and direction to the ecclesia, but it’s conditional to their response. In other words, we have to bind things, we have to loose things, we have to obey, we have to participate. Prophetic words are not automatic; they must be stewarded, as we will see.

Prophecy is God’s will or his plans that he declares beforehand. But they are like other promises in Scripture – yes, there are promises, but you have to believe them and you have to walk them out. That will be the way these prophetic words are – we’re going to have to walk them out, we’re going to have to believe them. And there’ll be times this year when it’s not particularly easy. There will be difficult times, but God is giving us promise and he is giving us ways to gain victory. But we’re going to have to battle some things.

There are government leaders that are evil, and they have taken us down the wrong paths, and we’re going to have to change that. But God’s going to give us ways to do that, and I believe that’s a part of this word. This word will give great hope if we will step forward and do it. But the ecclesia must respond, and I’m praying that we will, and I’m saying this house will in Jesus’ name.

A Prophetic Word for 2024

About four weeks ago as I was looking at Christmas scriptures for some sermons that I would be giving, Holy Spirit began to talk to me about 2024. Obviously it is a very important year. It is a strategic year, I believe, in world history. I believe it’s a tipping point year for the United States of America. This is a year for massive change to take place, either for good or for evil, and we must help turn that tide.

Of course, the ecclesia of King Jesus must be greatly involved, and we’re going to have to make a bold stand for Christ’s Kingdom on the earth, and that must happen now. It can’t happen in future years; it must happen now. America is going the wrong way, and we must make a bold stand for liberty and freedom that is being stolen in many ways, and that again, it must happen now. Complacency is only going to make it more difficult. We must make a stand for truth, we must make a stand for Kingdom of God principles in the earth realm, we must make a stand for justice, we must make a stand for righteous government, for leaders that have God’s heart, for leaders who will not boldfaced lie, leaders that will honor God’s word and not follow doctrines of demons like Ohio’s Governor did this past week concerning the transgender bill. A man cannot become a woman. You cannot explain that in any way other than you look like a fool.

There is a weight of destiny on this year. If you don’t feel it, I don’t know how to get you there. As I begin to look at Christ’s birth, Holy Spirit began to talk to me about 2024. He said this to me: “I want you to prophesy from Luke chapter 1 and chapter 2. I want you to prophesy, study and prophesy that into the earth realm. I will show you things to prophesy again from Luke chapter 1 and 2.” He said it speaks into 2024 prophetically, and its precedents will be seen in the new era I’m planning of great reformation and new beginnings.

For new reformation strategies will now activate very quickly to be stewarded by the King’s ecclesia. And “stewarded” was emphasized – he was emphasizing that we’re going to have to pray these things, we’re going to have to decree these things, we’re going to have to stand in faith for these things to manifest.

“I am calling my church to advance into supernatural times of reformation. Reformations are of course extended periods of time. You go back in history, you can see that. Obedience without compromise will bring divine interventions. Know that divine interventions are planned in the cultural mountains, and you will see as you steward my strategies, divine interventions will come to demon interruptions of your time.

Resist the days of senseless demon words in government or any mountain of society, for they are designed to overwhelm you and cause dismaying fog resulting in cycles of confusion in the earth realm. Resist the passive mindset that will cause dead ends of lost opportunity. The opportunities for the opportune time to possess the promises I’ve made are before you, though they appear to be closed. Move forward in faith and see supernatural times open to you. Trust and follow your God and see supernatural seasons open before you. Align your words with mine, says the Lord, and see a supernatural era open before you. For powerful kingdom activities are before you, move with great expectation, move forward with great confidence, for Godhead promises will connect to their time and place.”

Time and place were emphasized. There’s a proper time and place. Godhead connections to fulfilling purpose are before you. Open yourself to supernatural reformation.

Insight from Luke 1-2

The writings of Luke in chapters 1 and 2 have been obscured a bit by those who just see the traditional Christmas narrative within that. But Luke was a physician that God anointed to become a prophetic writer, explaining his calling was to explain supernatural times, explaining the activation of a new era, explaining Holy Spirit’s movements, explaining apostolic and prophetic activities that founded the ecclesia, taking those ecclesia to great influence in their regions – Galatia, Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, Ephesus.

Luke was actually there at the birth of those ecclesia in those cities, and had gone back to them a few times that we know of. He was a witness of the expanding ecclesia influence firsthand. Remember, he traveled for years with the Apostle Paul. All of those things are a part of this year prophetically in some way.

So the Holy Spirit said, and I will put these on the screens for you, he said:

A) We are moving into supernatural times.

B) We are moving into a new era – not just a few days, not a season, this is an era.

C) We are moving into Holy Spirit movements – that’s plural, yes.

D) Apostolic hubs – the King’s ecclesia will rise this year in far greater influence in their regions as Christ’s authority upon them increases functionally. And that was emphasized – functionally they’re going to function at a different level.

E) Promises the Godhead has made us will supernaturally connect this year for those who will make a faith stand, walk by faith. Again, they’re not automatic.

F) Supernatural interventions will be seen this year, interrupting hell’s agenda.

G) The Kingdom of Christ advance into the earth will activate revival fires. That’s not just in America, that is around the world.

H) The precedents of transitional reformation are described by Luke, and he is using them again in 2024 and beyond.

Also remember, Luke wrote the book of Acts reporting on men and women who formed the nucleus of the first New Testament ecclesia in the Kingdom of Christ Jesus on the earth. Through he explains the Kingdom quite a bit. He explains outpourings – plural – of Holy Spirit. He explains the necessity of speaking in other tongues. He explains the necessity of being filled and refilled with power from Heaven. And he reports on the activity of angels in the earth realm, introducing the ministry of seraphim – the most powerful order of angels that there is. He introduces them in New Testament times.

So Holy Spirit said, “Prophesy the transitional principles seen at Christ’s birth. Prophesy they will now be seen again as I pour out anointings of supernatural reformation – supernatural reformation – on New Testament churches or ecclesias now.”

Activation of the Prophetic Word

I want to read Luke 1:26, and I’m going to read the Message Bible, but listen as we do this for enlightenment for our times. Verse 26 again, in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy God sent Gabriel to the Galilean village of Nazareth.

Gabriel, we see, is sent from the throne room. He is a seraph, he is a part of the seraphim order – the most powerful order of angels that we know of. He is also an archangel which grants him even greater authority. We know that seraphs have throne room ministry. They come and go from the throne room, they minister within the throne room of Heaven itself, and they are there to announce or declare and protect the holiness of God. But they are also there to carry out any orders given by the Godhead – Father, Son or Holy Spirit.

Gabriel is sent on a supernatural assignment from the Godhead to the earth realm, specifically to a village that is called Nazareth.

Verse 26 again, in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy God sent Gabriel to the Galilean village of Nazareth.

Now verse 27, to a virgin engaged to be married to a man descended from David. His name was Joseph and the virgin’s name was Mary. Upon entering, Gabriel, this seraph from the Godhead, greeted her, “Good morning, you’re beautiful with God’s beauty, beautiful inside and out. God be with you.”

She was thoroughly shaken, wondering what was behind a greeting like that. But the angel assured her, “Mary, you have nothing to fear. God has a surprise for you.”

Notice the announcement of the seraph. This seraph, Gabriel, announces a Godhead surprise to her. He is sent to announce a Godhead surprise and to announce that something that is impossible to man is possible with God. And what is impossible to man and is possible with God is now going to happen. He announces it.

And we begin to see seraphs assist Godhead happenings that are impossible to man to happen. We see at least two seraphs – and I think there were probably many more – that were working Christ’s birth into the earth realm. But two at least very well known seraphs, Michael and Gabriel, are involved. And they are commissioned to assist, to help make happen Christ coming to earth.

They were sent to assist a massive shift – a massive shift that was to happen in the earth realm. It was to happen on earth. Something impossible to man was to happen, and it did, with a flurry of Godhead activity, Godhead miracles in the very beginning of the New Testament – Matthew and Luke.

We see seraphs involved in a great transitional shift that God had planned for the earth – from Old Testament to New Testament. We can’t just say that the change was dramatic – what the change was dramatic! From Old Testament to New Testament, that was dramatic. From old covenant to a new covenant, from old ways and old cycles or patterns of living to new ones, the reformation shift was absolutely massive.

Things that looked impossible to ever change ever were going to change, and they did. 400 years of silence from the prophet Malachi’s last prophetic word to this birth – 400 years of silence were erupting in spectacular God activity, Godhead activity on the planet.

In fact, on this side of history, this side of this historic shift, we now know that yes indeed, the earth dramatically shifted from then on. Nations changed, governments changed, societies changed, cultures changed. What was impossible with man was possible with God. And we see powerful angels assist these “what’s impossible with man are possible with God” shifts. They assist them, they help make them happen. They assist dramatic transitional reformations of times that the Godhead has planned.

Now Holy Spirit has just said, “Here’s where you’re at. Please try to wrap your head around it. I know you’re just hearing it, but Holy Spirit says, here’s where you are at in 2024. Align your faith and decree it, and do not be passive. It won’t always be easy, but don’t be passive. It may be hard but don’t be passive. Walk with me into a new future, for what is impossible to man is possible with God. What’s impossible to change in man’s understanding is possible with God. Entire cultures can change – it’s possible with God.”

And he sends these powerful angels to assist in that happening. Godhead surprises that make the impossible with man possible with God are now due. I don’t know all those surprises. I was just told of them. Godhead surprises are now due. 2024 we’ll see some Godhead surprises revealed that didn’t look possible. We’re going to see surprises of things that we thought would never change, change.

They assist dramatic transitional reformations, so amazing, wondrous, supernatural, surprising events are before the King’s ecclesia that walks by faith and not by sight.

I believe this is why, I believe this is why two years or so ago Holy Spirit began to reveal to me the seraphim order of angels. He began to reveal to me their function. This is 2022. Why was he doing that? He was preparing us for this era. He was beginning to move the seraphs into position, commissioning them.

I want to give a brief recount of what he showed me back then, because seraphs, and of course other angels, are necessary assistance to seeing Godhead surprises and to seeing massive transitions. And because of a word that he gave me around 7:00 this morning, Holy Spirit uses the seraphim to assist the heirs of God and assist the ecclesias.

Hebrews 1:14, we know that the angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation. We’re moving into a very supernatural time, and it is very important that you go over what Holy Spirit has said, go over prophecies, because they continue to speak to you. You’ve got to go back and look – prophetic words continue to speak. They’re like scriptures.

I don’t know how many times that I’ve done a series, even, and I’ve studied a scripture out, and I’ve maybe done three or four sermons on it, and five or six years later you go back to it and it says something else to you. It continues to speak. We’ve got to go back and look at what he has said and what it is now saying. It continues to assist and speak to us.

This morning Holy Spirit said something to me that filled me with hope and faith for our times, because I was really, what I’m seeing for this time, it’s so massive. And I was saying, “Lord, I didn’t say, ‘Lord, are you sure?’ I know better than that.” But I was like, “Lord, is this really what you want me to say?” And I even woke in the night and I prayed, “Lord, give me some kind of assurance about this. Is this the time? Is this what you’re saying?”

And when I came into the office this morning, Holy Spirit began to talk to me further, and he said something to me that gave me hope for the times. Now, because in the natural – and he said don’t look at that – but in the natural we are natural people, we see and hear things, and we have to overcome that and say, “But yes, God says this.”

He said these words to me when I just walked into the office: “What I told you at the lake is now coming to pass.”

15 years or so ago – and I’ve told this story a lot, and it’s in detail; I’m only going to mention it because I want to get to the prophetic word that he gave me – but I was praying about a lot of things, and I’d gone to the lake to talk to the Lord. I was out there many nights, all night, and one night he spoke to me these words out loud: “I will now lead another campaign in the earth realm similar to Acts chapter 2, only this time I will be bringing far more of the angel armies.”

And I’ve preached that, I have shared that, I have worked at that. There are three or four books about it. But he said this morning that campaign begins this year. And he emphasized “begins.” And I thought, “Begins, Lord? I thought we were way into this.”

But of course his plans on the earth and reformations have always taken years of preparation. And I suddenly knew – I knew instantly – the past 15 years have been about preparation for massive transitional reformation. I knew it.

He continued, “That campaign begins this year. The plans have been made, the ecclesias have been established, the remnant has been prepared to stand, the apostles have received initial assignments.” Initial was emphasized – so there’s got to be more coming. “The prophets are being anointed with isav, they’re going to see clearly, prophesy more clearly. The prophets are being anointed with isav. The time and place are now connected. The time and place are now connected. And my angel armies have been deployed into the earth realm as I said, at greater numbers than Pentecost in Acts 2. The supernatural reformation will move forward in baptisms of my power.”

We’re moving into something that is way beyond anything that I’ve ever been a part of, or you’ve ever been a part of, and in many ways the earth has never experienced the God activity that is designed for our time and place now. It has been planned for quite some time, waiting for a moment that comes to its time and place.

It’s been a moment that I couldn’t bring about, or I couldn’t choose a geographic area to do it. Many have tried, but all we could do was keep walking with the plans, walking with Holy Spirit, listening, preparing, talking again, “Well there’s, I see this angel army now, there’s this one, now there’s this one.” Trying to get the Holy Spirit, trying to get us understanding of what they do, how they function, so that he can deploy them into our times and begin to connect us to the most supernatural moment the earth has ever experienced.

And he’s calling us to walk this out, or steward it – steward it, take care of it, guard it, water it, declare it, make it a part of your prayers, make it a part of the fasting time, make it a part of your decrees of faith, make it a part of your life. Settle the issue once and for all, no matter what you see this year, you are going to believe that God can handle it, and we will see things done that change – a massive change, a massive change in a nation.

We’re going to see this happen again. This, the requirement is walk by faith. Set your eyes upon me. So I’m calling us to do it this last Sunday of the year, and this is the foundation of it. We’ll have a whole lot more to say next week, but this last day of the year, Holy Spirit is announcing plans of great hope – plans that we have longed to see, times that I have laid down my life for, times that I have prayed thousands of hours for, times the intercessors have given their lives and intercessory prayers to.

Holy Spirit says, “Steward it well, because they now begin.” You will see angel armies in ways that we’ve talked about, and you will see the supernatural in the earth realm.

Singers and musicians, come, and I’ll pray into this word. Hallelujah! Stand with me as we pray.

Lord, on this last Sunday of the year, I thank you for prophetic insight for coming days. We tend to look for it at the end of the year and the start of a new one, though I did not expect this. But we say, Lord, as your people, as your remnant, as an apostolic hub, and I say to you as an apostle in your kingdom, we commit ourselves to what you say.

We will not compromise it, we will not back down, Lord. I understand there will be many that do not participate, there will be some that will not understand the supernatural times, but I know there are many you have prepared that will. I pray that this revelation would come deep inside of prophets, apostles, church staffs, congregations, that we would rise and see a transitional, reformational, supernatural time begin to roll through the earth.

Prepare our hearts, Lord. I pray that the intercessors will begin to pick up and understand and receive wisdom, revelation, enlightenment for this. I know, Lord, that I only speak in part, and I’m asking you, Lord, that you would take this and you would download to apostles, prophets more of this revelation, more of what you are doing, and we will tune our ears for it. I will listen, we will listen.

Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of standing before a supernatural era. Thank you for allowing us to participate. We invite the angel armies – the seraph, the government angels, the awakening and reformation angels, all angels that you assign to this house – go forth, connecting us in time and place to what you have in mind. And we say, Lord, what has been impossible to man is possible with you. You can do anything, you can transform anything. This world’s not too hard for you. Do it, God, and do it here, in Jesus’ name.

We agree with your word, Holy Spirit, and we call our faith, calls our voice, the remnant here, the ecclesia hub. We call the precedents of transformational miracles, the principles of power of transformation that occurred at the birth of Christ into our time now and into this place. We decree our faith in Jesus’ name. Your word will be done. Hallelujah! Your word be done on earth like heaven. Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen!

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