1 July 2024
Prophetic Revelations for 2024 from JoLynne Whittaker

Prophetic Words for 2024 | JoLynne Whittaker

Welcome this is our annual New Year’s Eve service, but really it is the prophetic words that the Lord has been giving me for many, many years now as we look ahead into where we are going. We are getting ready to exit 2023, which is the moment that so many of you have been waiting for, amen! It has been an interesting year, has it not? If nothing else we can say that 2023 was quite an interesting year, amen! But what the Lord is showing me for 2024, I tell you what, I cannot wait to prophesy these words for you now.

This is something that my ministry has been doing for really forever since we began the ministry. I pray and I seek the Lord, amen, and he shows me about things that are to come. Well, the Bible says in the Book of Amos that God does nothing without first showing it to his servant the prophets, amen. And as I began to seek the Lord, fasting and praying and just spending time with him and listening to what thus sayeth the Lord, I’ve been careful to write down the things that God has shown me.

I want to tell you this is going to be a time that many people in the body of Christ, you are getting ready to see some things that you all been praying for. You love the Lord Jesus Christ, you love God, you love living for the Lord, amen. You love serving the Lord, you love being part of the kingdom of God. But you look around at the landscape of the world, right, and you can see that there are wicked people and they’ve got an agenda.

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Well let me tell you my friend, 2024 is going to hold some things that are going to be very crucial, very important, and you are getting ready to see many of your prayers answered concerning those things, those wicked people and all that stuff in particular. But I’m not going to give you any spoilers. We are going to pray together and then we’re going to get into the word, amen.

But as more people are coming onto the broadcast, let me know where you are watching from. This is something I look forward to doing every single year. Now this year is a little different, amen. I’m coming to you live from Virginia Beach, praise the Lord! But you know what I have found in times of elevation, in times where God is leading you from one level to another level, in times where God is, it’s not just that he’s changing your season.

I feel this is very prophetic for many of you, amen, coming into the room right now. It’s not just the Lord changing your season, it is far more prolific, it’s far bigger than that. He’s changing your level, he’s changing the dimension in which you will operate. You’ve been comfortable at that level, you know what you’re doing at that level, but now the Lord is getting ready to open a door and you are not changing seasons, you’re changing levels.

And in times like that, uncommon moments, they are destiny moments that only the Lord can plan for you. And in times like that you need to pay attention because very often uncommon things will happen, right? And the Lord will ask you to step outside of your comfort zone, he will ask you to do things a little differently than you have done in the past, and that’s just all part of it, that’s all part of showing the Lord that I can rock and roll, praise the Lord!

I can roll with you Lord, I can follow where you’re leading me God, I can do it any way you want me to do it, praise God! I just want to change levels, amen. And the Lord needs to see that kind of flexibility and taking that level of initiative, and that’s a prophetic word for somebody. But that’s exactly where myself and my team and John are, amen.

So with that said, amen, the next time we get together for an important prophetic word like this, it’s going to be in my very own church in St. Petersburg, Florida. Watch our announcements, I will be announcing that, but tonight I want to get you the thing that everybody is here for.

We are here to come together corporately as the body of Christ and honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and we are here to seek the Lord. We are here to inquire of the Lord what is coming in 2024. Is there anything God wants us to know in 2024, amen?

For those of you who may be new to this ministry or maybe it’s the first time you’re watching one of my broadcasts, let me just tell you, and I say this very humbly but it does have to be said in the prophetic. I want to encourage everyone to always test the words, test the words, hold a prophetic word, a prophetic utterance, hold it up against the Bible, hold it up against scripture, amen.

It must always line up with the word of God, it must always bear witness with your spirit, amen. If you’re a born again, Spirit-filled Christian then the Holy Ghost lives in you and the authenticity of that prophetic word should bear witness with your spirit, amen. But you also want to look for demonstration, you want to look for accuracy, you want to look for the evidence of signs, wonders and miracles.

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What is that evidence of? God’s presence, God’s power, amen! A true prophet and the accuracy will also speak to the fact that that is a true prophet with that said, people of God, this is hard for me to even say but it has to be said, amen. Because I try, I stay humble before the Lord, I stay bowed low at the feet of Jesus, I’m about lifting him high, amen.

But I say this very humbly, there is a track record of accuracy here. You can go back over the prophetic words that the Lord has given me for many years now and you can point to, yep that came to pass, yep that came to pass, yep that came to pass. And why is that? Because I’m only speaking what I hear my heavenly Father say, it’s not my words, it’s his words.

And the Lord has, he knows that every single day I say father use me, use me that the people may be blessed, that the people might receive a heads up, that the people might receive their instructions for victory, amen. That the people may receive their protocols, their formulas for success, praise the Lord! Tell me what you would say to your people, and so now I’m getting ready to share with you things the Lord has given me for 2024, amen.

And again test the words, watch and pray, pray absolutely! But you are going to see, glory to Jesus, all glory to Jesus alone, but you are going to see in 2024, I’ll tell you what I give God all the glory. You’re going to be able to go down like a checklist, yep, yep, yep, yep, and it will all come together and come to pass just as the Lord said.

Because according to Numbers 23:19, God is not a man that he should lie. According to Isaiah 55:11, the word of the Lord can never return void, amen! But he watches over his word, he performs it, praise the Lord! He is a God of truth, he is a God of organization, he is a God of order, praise God! There is never confusion in the Lord.

And so we, we come together corporately in this moment, we say thank you Jesus! Thank you for your blood, thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for being our Lord and Savior. You didn’t have to do it, didn’t have to leave Heaven, but you did. Thank you Jesus for the finished work of the cross! And I say that prayerfully right now in the name of Jesus.

I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for his sacrifice, for his blood, for redemption by the cross of Jesus Christ. And I thank God for each and every one of you listening right now. I believe that God has a very personal, specific word for you wherever you are in the world, whatever nation you are living in. There is a word from the Lord for you, amen.

And then there’s going to be some personal words for you that will be applicable to your 2024 as well. So we are crossing over from 2023, but you’re not carrying over anything, you’re crossing over but you’re not going to carry over any baggage. You’re not going to carry over any unfinished business.

I believe that even now as I speak this prophetically over your life in the name of Jesus, that God is finishing business in your life. He is completing things that he began in your life, he is bringing things to culmination and manifestation in your life. And in the early days of 2024 you will testify that very uncommon manifestations and finishings, remember that word finishings, occurred in the early days of 2024.

And what that was, was the fullness of the Philippians 1:6 blessing and promise, where the Lord has said that he will complete every good work that he began in your life. There is going to be no unfinished business following you, you’re not going to carry any of that baggage into 2024. You’re going to cross over into a new season, a new dimension, a new level, and you will see the goodness of God in your life like never before. Receive that in the name of Jesus, amen!

Prophetic Words for 2024

Now before we get into these prophetic words for 2024, I want to encourage you. I’ve already said to test the words, amen. Watch and pray, pray absolutely! But I want to encourage you, if you are one who likes to take notes, you may want to write some things down. However, and we invite you to do so, praise the Lord!

However, if you prefer to just enjoy the broadcast and you want to pay attention to the broadcast, that’s certainly appropriate as well. This will be up for the replay on all of my social media sites, it will live on my website, it’s going to live on my new app, amen, which we’re getting ready to launch. It will be on television on three networks on national television as well.

And so you will certainly have every opportunity to go back and, you know, listen to the finer points however you want to do it. But I’m just blessed that you are here. My name is Dr. JoLynne Whitaker, and that’s really all I want to say about myself. It is about the Lord Jesus Christ. I’m a servant of Jesus. I am, I didn’t ask to be a prophet but the Lord made me a prophet.

And the anointing, the prophetic anointing and mantle on my life became evident when I was a very young child, amen. And so I’m getting ready to do what God made me to do. I’m going to prophesy and God is going to get the glory and the people of God are going to be blessed and encouraged and edified, amen!

And you are going to receive revelatory vision and insight, amen! God will tell you things ahead of time, he’ll give you a winning strategy, praise the Lord! So let’s get to it, shall we?

In 2024, I’m going to go write down the things that I wrote down. I’ve got this here like in my personal writing because I’ve just been taking these notes for for many weeks now.

Hidden Agendas Will Be Exposed

In 2024 ongoing hidden agendas will be substantiated. And by that let me, I’m going to tell you specifically what some of them are. But by that I’m talking about some of the things that you know about and I know about, but if you talk about them, if you dare to post about it on social media you might find yourself being censored.

You might find your post being taken down or you might find your tweet or your Facebook post whatever it is, you might find it being attacked and you know now they’re calling you a conspiracy theorist, right? Or that you’re just you’re spreading lies or rumors or you’re a fearmongerer.

So there are some hidden agendas. Whose agendas? Well at the core it is satanic. You know the devil has a vendetta against the Lord, he hates humanity, he hates men and women. That’s the reason for the whole tree of life and tree of knowledge in Heaven and then in the Garden.

You know when Satan fell he received a sentence, the gavel came down and he received a sentence. He was evicted forevermore from Heaven, never to return, never to be with God again. And he knows his time is short in the earth, he knows that King Jesus is going to come back. He does not know the day or the hour, nobody knows that but the Father, and that is for security purposes my friend, amen.

But the devil knows his time is short and he’s stirring up trouble in the nations and he’s stirring up people against each other because he cannot take out his anger on God, can’t do it. He cannot take out his anger on Jesus, they’re not equals, he can’t. He can’t even locate Jesus, Jesus is seated in Heaven at the right hand of the Father. Satan’s not allowed there.

So what he does in typical you know criminal behavior is he tries to hurt the ones that God loves the most. Well, the Bible says that you are the Lord’s masterpiece, you’re his workmanship, he loves many things that he made but none more than human beings because only you are made in the image of God.

Only you have the Lord’s characteristics, only you have covenant relationship with the Lord, not just through the blood covenant of Jesus Christ by which you gain salvation, but through the Abrahamic covenant, amen, by which you gain the blessing of God in your life. And the devil hates it, can’t get to God so he tries to get to people.

And that explains all the chaos and the evil and the wickedness in the world. None of it is the Lord’s plan and none of it is his wish. As a matter of fact there is an ongoing kingdom agenda that we are, we’re on the timeline and it’s going on right now.

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We are closer than ever before to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and for that reason all the signs are present: Matthew 24, 2 Timothy chapter 3, all the signs are present. And the devil can see it so he knows his time is short and he’s been stirring up things. Why? For the ruin of humanity, trying to steal the harvest of souls and really as low level as it is just trying to wreak havoc, just doing what he does, he’s bloodthirsty.

So in 2024 you are going to see and hear the substantiation, which means it’s going to be proven to be true, of things that many people called a conspiracy theory. I’m going to tell you the specific things the Lord showed me. Watch for there to be proof that chemtrails are a real thing, that the cabal, the Illuminati, the so-called elitists, and they’re not elite.

The people of God, we are the elites, we are the royal priesthood on the earth, we are the true, we’re the King’s children, amen. So we are actually the the elites, but you know they call themselves the elite families of the world and they’re not. They’re absolutely not, you know their blood is mixed with Nephilim blood and and they’re proud of that too.

But these are their agendas and these are things that they have created for the purpose of population control, for the purpose of genocide, and for the purpose of just, how do I want to say it, but creating a docile society, dumbing people down, medicating people, right? And so, for many years even the idea or the term “chemtrails” has been, you know, it causes such controversy and “oh there’s no proof of that.”

But in 2024 you’re going to see proof. Something is going to come out and it’s going to be substantiated. It’s also going to be substantiated that these individuals have been doing the very same things with food. Now we already know it’s already been proven that they have been putting things in food to make food addictive, right? To make you crave a certain food.

And anytime you see a food manufacturer and it says “proprietary blend” you can best believe there’s going to be something in that that is going to make you love it, hunger for it, crave it, and buy it all the more. And that is their marketing technique, that’s how they you know they, they try to guard against obsolescence.

But this is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about in 2024 it’s going to be proven that there has been a deliberate poisoning of certain foods in the food supply, not just the chemical sprays but other things as well. I don’t know what, I’m not going to lie, I don’t know exactly what. But the Lord said in 2024 we’re going to learn about some substances that have been being put in certain foods.

We’re going to learn also in 2024, I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost. See because I know what’s coming after this. The devil had a plot but God always has a plan, you got to remember that baby. The devil has a plot but God always has a plan, and the devil always works through wicked people, we know that, right? He works through wicked people who can be used.

But when the Lord sees what they’re doing and he hears what they’re planning, he sits in the heavens and he laughs. Why? Because the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Humanity was created by God and the Lord is a God who loves his own, he covers his own, and there’s going to be things that may be happening in the world but they will not happen to you.

Mark that down, praise the Lord! You are going to experience supernatural protection like you’ve never experienced it before in 2024. And that’s part of God’s plan, he wants you to, he wants you to.

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