3 July 2024
Rebuke the Witch Attacking You - Prophetic Word from Daniella Oyaga

Daniella Oyaga – Rebuke the Witch Attacking You – Prophetic Word

God bless you in this wonderful day here is Daniella Oyaga bringing you a word from the Lord, some guidance from the Holy Spirit. Father, I pray for everyone that is going to come across this video, that you may cover them with the blood of Jesus Christ and that no weapon formed against them will prosper. We declare God that as they receive this word you’re filling them up with power, you’re filling them up with authority, you’re filling them up with courage to bring an end all persecution from the enemy and for them to walk in the blessings that you have for them in Jesus mighty name we pray, amen.

Rebuke the Witch

People of God, the Lord is telling someone today to fill yourself up with power and to rebuke that witch because the spells that she has been casting against you are expiring. Okay, the power of this witch is coming to an end, the power she’s had over your life, the things she’s been trying to cause to fail in your life are going to come to an end. Everything she’s wishing on you, the Lord has blessed me with a very strong vision.

Now mind you I do believe this word is for a group of people. When Jezebel rose up she would attack more than just one person, she attacked the prophets of God. So her power didn’t just come against one prophet but she came against a lot of people. So that spirit of Jezebel can impact a lot of people at once. So I truly do believe this word can be for more than just one individual.

Take it Into Prayer

Nevertheless take this into prayer to make sure that you’re supposed to receive this word because I do believe that it’s something very strong. If you don’t know how to engage in spiritual warfare make sure that you learn those things first before you go and rebuke things because you can potentially put yourself in danger. But whoever this word is for, you are aware of this, you are aware you’ve been fighting against this in the spirit realm and God is saying there is a miracle at the end of your mouth. Don’t be afraid like you used to be because there is a breakthrough that’s going to be released when you speak on it.

A Vision from God

Okay, so the Lord has blessed me with a vision and in this vision people of God I saw that there was a woman and she was ascending, she was going up and as she was going up she looked down to her left and she saw a very dark house. It was a house that was literally symbolic to witchcraft, like in the spirit because this is what the Lord was showing me in the spirit I was able to see this home which was fallen and broken and black and gray but inside the house there was a witch. Inside the house the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said there is a witch in there.

So then I saw the woman that was ascending and she kept on trying to rebuke her but she was like laughing about it. Like I rebuke you and nothing would happen, I rebuke you, like she wasn’t very serious about it. So what the Lord is trying to make me understand through this vision is that whoever this word is for, that’s the attitude you’ve been having. Like “oh yes I rebuke her” or “oh no weapon formed against me” – if you don’t fill up yourself with power and put the armor of God on that’s how you seem in the spirit realm. Like the devil doesn’t take you serious.

We could say we declare but if we’re not filled up with the Holy Spirit our words won’t have that impact. Now then I saw that this woman kept ascending, which I believe is the Lord trying to show me that whoever this word is for you are ascending in the spirit. Like you’re growing spiritually, you’re breaking down generational curses, you’ve destroyed a couple of demons which brings you higher in a rank in the spirit realm. So you’ve been growing, you’ve been rebuking things.

Fill Yourself with Power

And then I saw that this woman that was ascending, which the woman is whoever this word is for – it could be a man as well – as I saw them ascending I saw that they like stood up straight and they were like “okay for real this time.” And I saw that they got this finger, and you know sometimes prophets they say that this is a prophetic finger, that when a prophet is going to release a word sometimes they say like God tells you today.

So I believe that God was showing me this in the vision because I saw this woman go like this. That whoever this word is for, like you’re in that same power to speak. When Elijah came against Jezebel he had authority, he had power when he came against the prophets of Baal, right? So in this vision people of God I saw how this woman, she said “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” and then from their finger it was like thunder literally went into that corrupted demonic house and that’s exactly what it was – a demonic fied house of a witch. And the witch received a shock and it everything just started to crumble down.

Because of that powerful rebuke, don’t underestimate the power of rebuking, the power of this witch came to an end and that home fell apart. Okay, that home fell apart. Everything I’m telling you today is what God showed me in the spirit. You’re not literally flying but you’re ascending in the spirit and this witch doesn’t have to live in a dark home but that’s how God sees it. That what she’s been practicing, remember Jezebel was a queen, she was in a palace. Does that mean that she was an amazing woman? No, it doesn’t matter how someone might look outwardly, what matters is what’s in the inside. And God has revealed to me what’s in the inside.

The Story of Paul and Silas

The Holy Spirit then led me to the Bible in the book of Acts chapter 16 verse 16. It says “Once as they were going to the place of prayer we met” – this is Paul and Silas – “a girl who had a spirit of fortune telling and who had brought her owner a great deal of money by predicting the future.” Right, so she was in a way practicing witchcraft as well and I want to see, I want to tell you what they did.

Okay, she would follow Paul and us and shout “These men are servants of the most high God and are proclaiming to you a way of salvation.” So the reason why this witch is persecuting you, whoever this word is for, one of the reasons is because of the anointing of God in your life. Understand this today. Now I’m not trying to boost your ego or none of that. I want you to see this literally – you are anointed by a God that has power and because of the anointing of the most high over your life this woman, this man, is filled with demons and is trying to attack you because of that. They’re trying to persecute you, right? If you’ve been experiencing persecution this is why.

Then it says she kept going, she kept doing this for many days. Right, so whoever this word is for this persecution that you’ve been experiencing has been happening for many days. Now Paul was able to bring it to an end the first day, he was able to bring it to an end the second day but the Bible says that many days passed until Paul became annoyed and then he did something about it.

Get Annoyed and Take Action

So God is telling someone today you need to get to that point. You need to get to the point that you get annoyed of the attacks of the enemy, that you get annoyed of the weapons formed against you. Right? Paul could have cancelled the attack the first day, the same way many of us we could come against the witchcraft, we could come against the attacks, we could come against the weapons but we don’t.

There has to be a breaking point in which you say “I’m sick and tired of you doing this” and the spirit of you trying to come against me. When you reach that point, like I saw in this vision, that is when like Paul you get filled up with power and then Paul told her, told the spirit “I command you in Jesus’ name. I command you in the name of Jesus the Messiah to come out of her” and it came out at that very moment.

So God is telling someone today the moment you fill yourself up with power, the moment you fill up yourself with authority, the moment you understand your assignment in this battle, you’re going to be victorious. You need to fill yourself with the Holy Spirit and say:

“I rebuke the power of this witch over my life in Jesus name.” “I rebuke all negative words that have been prospering against me in Jesus name.” “I cancel every backward prayer that has been declared over my life in Jesus name.” “I come against every spirit that has been sent by witches and warlocks because of jealousy, because of envy in Jesus name.”

And just engage in spiritual warfare until it breaks down. I have a lot of live streams where we pray a lot, we intercede so you could go ahead and listen to some of those if you need some guidance in prayer. But this is what God is calling you to do in the next couple of days, this next year. These things that, hallelujah, this person or this you know spirit – because it’s spirit that overtakes them – the Bible says that we don’t fight against flesh. So don’t go and fight this person physically. God is saying take it in the spirit, right? Because I never saw, this is how powerful this really is, I never saw the face of the witch but God just told me in that house there is a witch. Like God didn’t show me exactly who it was but God showed me their spirit.


So God is saying come against that spirit that is trying to attack you, that’s what Paul said. Paul didn’t say “I rebuke this woman”, he says he told the spirit. So you have to tell the spirits that are trying to attack you, spirits that have been sent by your enemies, spirits that have been sent to sabotage you and bring delay, spirits that torment you, spirits that want to attack you. Okay, if you’ve been experiencing this and you feel like out of nowhere there’s these attacks coming against you, God is saying I need you to take it into prayer because it is coming to an end now.

I finish this by saying remember each time you overcome a giant, like David – before David was able to go into the palace David had to kill Goliath, he had to, he had to have authority. People had to know this isn’t just anybody whenever he was going to be king they had to put some respect on his name because of what he had previously done. It’s the same with you. This thing that God is calling you to fight back is like your Goliath and it’s going to continue to help you grow in the spirit. So don’t be afraid because the victory is secured and you’re headed to the palace.

God bless you, this was Daniella Oyaga. I pray for you that the Lord may give you power and that you won’t be afraid. If this word is for you I know that you won’t be, that God may fill you up with power and authority and that you may release a word that will cancel every attack that has been formed against you. I’ll see you guys next time!


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