1 July 2024
What does the Bible say about War in Israel?

The Truth Behind the War in Israel: A Prophetic Perspective by Perry Stone

Well greetings to everyone, thank you for joining me on the Perry Stone. I do have a very special teaching for you today that I call “The Truth Behind the War.” We’re speaking here of the war that’s taking place there in the nation of Israel at the Gaza Strip. We know events happen, and then maybe by the time you see this, there will be an outcome to this of some type. Other people are predicting that it will go on for months or possibly a year. No one knows that for certain. That is, no one on earth knows that for certain. I’m sure the Lord knows exactly what’s going to take place and the outcome.

Many times when we hear about war, we hear about wars and rumors of wars. Here’s what we see: We see the nations involved in the conflict, we see the political leaders that are associated with the conflict, and we see the horrible pain and death being caused by the conflict. So what we do is we look at everything in the natural realm – the planes, the tanks, the ground forces, the equipment that’s being used in the battle. That becomes part of the narrative and part of the news that takes place when you watch it and when you watch what is taking place in this part of the world and in all wars in general.

An artistic depiction of the spiritual warfare and angelic protection over Israel described by Perry Stone in his prophetic teaching.

But I want to ask you a question: What if you could see into the spirit world, into the realm of angelic messengers, angels of Almighty God, the host of heaven versus the principalities, the powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and the wicked spirits in high places that are connected to these battles?

Now someone says, “You mean that angels and evil spirits or demonic prince spirits, as they are called by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:12, you mean Perry that they can be involved in wars?” And the answer is yes, if the war is a major prophetic war, these spirits can be involved.

Historical Examples

Many years ago there’s a known story that has been taught and there’s even been movies made about it called the Spear of Destiny. But when Adolf Hitler was a student in Austria, he went to a museum and in that museum there was a spear which allegedly was the spear used to pierce the side of Jesus by the Roman Centurion. That is recorded there in the gospels and this Centurion saved the spear and the spear became a holy relic and was handed down and eventually found its way into the hands of the leaders and some of the kings and emperors of the Roman Empire and also of Europe.

Now here’s what happened. It seemed that historically every man that had possession of the spear became a great military commander, a great leader and would win his wars. If that man lost the spear or the spear somehow would be captured, he would lose complete control and power and authority of his kingdom, his kingdom state, or of the battle that he was in.

The legendary occult Spear of Destiny, said to be pierced Jesus' side, and tied throughout history to spiritual powers over nations and wars.

I won’t go into all the many stories that you could tell. I will tell you that Hitler, Adolf Hitler, was staring at that spear looking through the glass showcase at this famous historic Roman, all the way back to the Roman time relic, and was taking a drug which was a mind expanding drug. And he saw a spirit, according to his own testimony, that appeared behind that showcase and he said he gave his soul to the to that spirit. And many people believe that that’s when he became possessed by a demonic power because the spear had an occultic power, not a real spiritual power to it.

And when the Allies bombed the bunker in Berlin, Germany and they went into the bunker, they took the spear. And when the spear was in possession of the United States, we dropped the nuclear bombs on Japan and we became the world superpower. Now that spear was later returned to, I believe, the Hapsburg family in Austria there and they have it to this day and I think it’s still on display in one of the museums there.

The reason I share that with you is apparently if we look at the background of Adolf Hitler, there was a strong demonic prince spirit that became connected to him at a very young age when he was in his 20s that later enacted its will of death and destruction in him after he became the chancellor of Germany.

What does the Bible say about War in Israel?

When we read the book of Daniel, we see that there was a battle taking place in which it was a war in which the Babylonians were overthrown in one night by the Medes and the Persians. When the when the Medes and the Persians took over Babylon, we read that the Prince of Persia became involved with a heavenly cosmic conflict with an angel of the Lord for three weeks, as a matter of fact for 21 days. The angel of God could not get a message to Earth from the heavenly realm because this strong principality evil spirit, which was under the command of Satan, was hindering the angel of God from bringing the message there.

Michael the Archangel was assigned by God to go into the upper atmosphere over ancient Babylon and restrain the Prince of Persia so that the angel of God could come to Babylon and stand in front of Daniel and reveal to him one of the greatest prophetic messages in the entire Bible, Daniel’s chapter 10, chapter 11 and chapter 12.

Now in the future tribulation, Revelation chapter 12, verses 7-9 tells us there will be another war in heaven. Michael and his angels will fight against Satan, his angels, and his angels and Michael will prevail and will cast Satan and his angels to the Earth for the last 42 months of the tribulation period. And that’s where we read that Satan comes down with great wrath because he knows his time is running out or as the King James translation puts it, he hath but a short time.

Three Simple Truths

Now what I’m sharing with you is the truth behind the war is this, and I want you to hear these three simple truths:

  1. As it relates to the modern nation of Israel, Israel’s history has already been pre-written in the prophetic scriptures and they will be the nation that the Messiah will rule from. Nobody’s going to change that.
  2. Israel has a protective covenant of God that when they fight, Daniel 12:1, they get the assistance of archangels such as Michael.
  3. Michael and his angels have an assignment to protect and to defend the nation of Israel.

So to all the enemies of Israel, to all the enemies of the Jewish people, to all the enemies that of Jerusalem that make it a controversy, please understand this: The holy scriptures, the Bible, have already told us what the outcome will be.

 Perry Stone calls believers to pray for peace in Israel between Israelis and Palestinians. The gospel brings reconciliation.

There will be a time of trouble such as there was not since there was a nation nor ever shall be called the Great Tribulation. But as it relates to Israel, it’ll be a time of Jacob’s trouble. But the Bible says God will save Israel out of it and Paul said in Romans 11, all Israel shall be saved.

Our Response

So Israel has a covenant and a protection of God behind it. We as we who are believers in covenants and we who believe in the New Covenant of Christ and that Christ is the Messiah, we have to understand that our assignment is to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, pray for the people on both sides, pray for the Palestinian people who want to live in peace, pray for the Jewish people who want to live in peace because there are people on both sides who would prefer peace much more over war.

And we need to pray that the good news of the gospel will get into the hearts of the people because the only thing that will change a heart that hates another race or ethnic group is the love of Jesus Christ. And when he saves you and redeems you, he puts something in your heart, he changes your heart and puts love instead of hate, joy instead of sorrow, peace instead of confusion, and faith instead of unbelief.

So my encouragement for you today is know the Bible, get to know the word, study the Bible, and turn your heart over to the Lord Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and he is the life.

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