3 July 2024
Timothy Dixon — The Coming Move of God and the End Times 2024

Timothy Dixon – The Coming Move of God and the End Times 2024

Praise the Lord, everyone. This is Timothy Dixon coming to you today. I am excited about what the Lord is doing. We are getting ready for our meeting in Florida, the Gathering of 2024, January 19th through the 27th. Thank you, Jesus! I have a visitation that I’m wanting to share with you, and it is absolutely powerful at where we are right now as far as the kingdom of God, the coming of Jesus, and the end of the world.

Just as the scribes and Pharisees in the days of Jesus, they did not understand. They did not understand the life of Jesus and Him coming in the fashion that He did, because they were used to the Old Testament. They were used to the Old Testament ways. They were used to the priests. They were used to sacrificing animals and so forth for their sins. When Jesus came, when John came and he was saying what he was saying in the river to repent, it brought them to a place that they felt like they had already repented because they were battling between the things they were having to do in the natural versus the transformation that was taking place – actually from the Old Testament to the New Testament, from an old covenant to a new covenant.

Not Recognizing the Messiah

And we are in a time even so now. You think about where the people of the church and the people that went to church there – how did they look up to Moses? Because Moses was the one that had a great, great visitation, and God had used him to deliver the people out of Egypt and all the 40 years in the wilderness that he went through, all the things that they went through.

The people believed in Moses, and it was passed down from generation to generation. They knew and believed that of course God had written the Ten Commandments, carved them out with the finger of God on the side of a mountain, to bring forth something like this for the people to obey. So they believed in it, and they just didn’t quite understand how the Messiah was going to come. They did not quite understand how Jesus would appear, because if they did, they would have accepted Him better. They would not have done the things they did. They would not have, because the church is the ones that crucified Jesus. They’re the ones that put Him to death. They’re the ones that wanted Barabbas instead of Jesus.

Not Understanding the Move of God

And we’re in the time today where you have people, and I’m going to just say worldly people, that do not have an understanding of the things of God. They do not have an understanding of the revelation of Jesus Christ as Paul preached. They do not understand what we are going into now versus what we’ve been in. It is very much the same way as it was in the time of Jesus’s day, before He was crucified and the disciples’ day after Jesus was crucified. The people just did not understand what was taking place.

And even so today, they do not understand. People do not understand the depth of the power of a living God and what we are looking at right now and how the power – the power of the resurrected Jesus – is going to sweep across the land and is going to absolutely save thousands. It is going to convict them of their sins, convict them and make them see their wrongs, make them want to do right, live right.

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The Lord has allowed all the things that are going on right now to shine a light on all of the wrong and the sin that’s happening, so we would know how to change, we would know what is going on. And even with our leaders, because God’s not going to bless a nation that leads their people into sin. God’s not going to bless a people that leads their people into sin. God’s not going to bless that kind of life or country. God’s not going to let it remain under the blessings of God.

And the Lord has shown all the light around the evil and corruptness that’s going on in the White House, and He is fixing to bring it down because God is not going to bless sin. God is not going to bless the evil that people continue to do all in the name of Jesus.

The Outpouring of the Spirit

And we are right now seeing the power – the power of God – coming to display! Hallelujah! And we are going to see the very attributes of the power of God taking formation inside the lives of His people. We’re going to see the very things – have you ever seen someone that you look at them and you know their mom and dad, and you look at them and think “You’re just like your daddy” or “You’re just like your mama”? Well, that’s what we’re going to be like. We’re going to be just like our Father, and that Father is the Master of the sea, the Maker of the rain. And we’re going to look like Him, talk like Him, walk like Him. That is what the kingdom that’s come to man – we are looking into what’s coming.

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The very future, hallelujah, is where the power of God that’s going to be poured out, that Joel spoke of, is going to be the life of Jesus. That is what is going to be poured out! I’ve been the Lord’s been showing me lately in a very strong, powerful way that watch fiction to be pouring out on every heart that’s listening and every heart that’s reaching out. It’s going to be an understanding of the Word of God, an understanding of the life of Jesus.

And we’re going to see this coming to pass inside our lives, inside our day-to-day walk with Jesus, that we’ll be able to act like Jesus, walk like Jesus, talk like Jesus, pray like Jesus, be like Jesus. And that is what the great, great, great outpouring that Joel saw – what he saw coming to pass in the last days. And I’ve been very, very stirred up and encouraged over the things that are happening in the spirit realm.

Nothing Can Stop God’s Will

Nothing by any means can overtake what God is doing. Nothing can stop it! Thank you, Jesus! And that is what the world is fixing to see. You know, when the children of Israel came out of the land of Egypt, they were a people that had been through so much that they really didn’t know who God was because of the slavery and bondage they had been through. They had not had a chance to know God in a personal way. And it’s the same way today, but we are fixing to know Him! Thank you, Jesus! We’re fixing to know Him like we’ve never known Him before. Hallelujah!

Thank you, Jesus! Well, we love you, we appreciate you. I wanted to just encourage you a little bit about I believe what God is doing right now and that everything is going to line up to the will of God. God’s will is going to be first thing foremost, and He’s going to bring it to pass. Hallelujah! And everything’s going to line right up to it because I believe we’re facing and looking very much at the very last days and the end of time. Thank you, Lord!

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